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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. He joined before the changeover, though.
  2. ^ I'm guessing it's an issue with serverside plug-in that tapatalk folks provide. It's been working inconsistently for me, though most of the time it's not working.
  3. I wonder when he'll start reviewing amps now.
  4. I'm quoting myself and I'm sure no else cares, but slow cooker ribs came out well enough - it would definitely do when I want to eat ribs during the winter or when I don't have time or patience to go through the usual process. Now I just need to find myself a better rub recipe.
  5. If they add ring USM to 50/1.4, they'll raise the price enough that street price will hit $500. Just think, 50/1.8 cost $75 and 50/1.4 was below $300 less than 3 years ago.
  6. I can't seem to get into the chat. It opens the chat up, but I keep getting kicked from the chat room immediately.
  7. Prepped baby back ribs in a slow cooker. I've never made ribs in a slow cooker before, but it was rather easy prep so I'm hoping it works out. I'll find out in an hour or two.
  8. The chassis, or where the jacks would appear to be, is just asking for trouble.
  9. They'll probably make the official announcement on Feb 1. Below is an excerpt from e-mail sent to all Canon dealers. From http://www.canonpricewatch.com/
  10. The Newegg sale is tempting, especially with the rumors about Canon raising prices on February 1.
  11. Speaking of 35L I think newegg was/is having a mini sale on it. That's one lens I'd love to try.
  12. Anyone else having problem with visual icons? Mine disappeared earlier today (has "?" icons instead) and hasn't come back.
  13. Tapatalk is working but it seems to have trouble determining new/unread threads/posts.
  14. My profile editing is working now.
  15. I was very confused with this post, until I realized you're in Denver right now.
  16. You didn't read your welcome PM, did you?
  17. Combo update seems to have done the trick, thanks Jacob. I'd forgotten about it.
  18. So I took a rest from using JH13 for a while to see if that would help with the issues (most likely tinnitus) I've started having with my ear(s) after using them (or IEM in general). It hasn't - I still can't listen to them for too long before they start to bother me. Is there reason(s) why IEM would do this but not regular headphones? I'm starting to wonder about the used market on JH13 as I just can't use them enough anymore.
  19. They have that new 70-300 L out now. Get one and tell the rest of us how you like it.
  20. It's frequently going into the spinning wheel of death for seemingly no reason (though for the most part, it eventually goes away or I can kill the app) and it keeps either ejecting or not recognizing USB devices.
  21. Verifying/repairing disk, running Applejack, and checking to make sure RAM sticks haven't gone south (still had original sticks). It's at least running now so I'm just making sure my backups are up to date (which they were for the most part). It's just not running as smoothly as it should be - it's a good thing I primarily use my MacBook.
  22. Woke up to find my ancient iMac acting up - tried doing the all the usual things but it's still not working quite right so it may very well be dying a slow death. On tops of that both my iPod and Sansa Clip+ are not working so I'm trying to troubleshoot all three devices now.
  23. Burn in and camera - reminds me a guy who had his 1-series camera sensor destroyed at a laser show.
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