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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Thanks guys. Libby's temperature was bit too low (and didn't come back up quickly enough) for her doctor's office liking so they sent us to an ER to make sure there's nothing wrong with her (aside from the double ear infection she already has). Predictably, her temp was back up by the time we were seen by the ER doctor/nurse and she's doing fine now. I took the day off with her since we have both been up since 2am and wouldn't have done all that well at our work/daycare.
  2. Jebus, I wish I could handhold for 1/4 seconds.
  3. Sitting in an ER with my daughter. It doesn't appear to be anything major, thankfully.
  4. Goddamn English. Surprised it doesn't list datum/data.
  5. Out of curiosity, what do you not like about it, Reks? I neither hate it nor like it, but not really having used other photo software, I've no point of reference to compare. BTW, B&H has a used copy of Canon 50mm f/1.0. I know it's not a good lens, but someone should grab one just for fun.
  6. Most likely just a difference in on-camera JPEG processing, which doesn't matter if you shoot RAW.
  7. A vinyl copy of John Hartford's Aereo-Plain off eBay for a co-worker.
  8. Got my glasses damaged at work again. Hopefully, my shop can repair them.
  9. Considering the current status of Japan, it probably will be a long while before Sony or Sigma (or any other Japanese lens makers, for that matter) release new lenses.
  10. Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi
  11. I've never seen a hot librarian. Only librarians I've seen have been all old enough to be my grandmother.
  12. Took the day off from work to stay home with my sick daughter. Despite double ear infection and some fever, she was a rather happy baby all day long. Also to my amazement, she took really good naps - she's usually a horrendous napper.
  13. http://nikon.com/about/news/2011/0322_01.htm
  14. :drool: EDIT - I posted a reply from my iPhone and what I actually typed didn't show up.
  15. I think most things taste good after being battered and fried.
  16. Took my daughter to a doctor to find out she's got double ear infection. Probably explains why she hasn't been sleeping well the past two nights. Thankfully, we caught it early so it should clear out quickly.
  17. Why 28 f/2.8? While not quite as wide, 35 f/2 is full stop faster. I've had many occasions in which that has come in rather handy where if I had to shoot at 2.8, I wouldn't have been able to hand-hold the camera reliably.
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. x2 For a wideangle lens, EF-S 10-22 is the widest (non fisheye) lens Canon makes for a crop sensor. I really like mine, but it is by far my least used lens. There are third-party wideangle lenses, which are usually cheaper, but from what I gathered, third-party lenses appear to have more problems with Canon han other brands.
  20. Carlos Paredes - Movimento Perpétuo
  21. Amy LaVere - Anchors & Anvils
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. CAKE - Showroom of Compassion
  24. I didn't realize Comcrap had instituted a download cap. I wonder when Verizon will start doing the same thing, or are they already doing that?
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