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Salt Peanuts

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Everything posted by Salt Peanuts

  1. Went to yet another appointment for the tendonitis of my left wrist/thumb. They gave me a bigger wrist brace/thumb splint. I also got a PT appointment for the wrist/thumb. Hopefully, this will get better soon as it's been three months of semi-constant pain.
  2. Oh yeah, I'd rather have a new iMac or MBP as well. I mostly miss the physical process of building a pc more than anything.
  3. Yes. He was the Best Man at my wedding, in fact.
  4. This thread (and the forum, actually) makes me wish I was still building PCs.
  5. I once accidentally stabbed my best friend with a camping knife in his thigh when I stumbled. Only half an inch or so went on, though.
  6. Glad to hear your mom is okay, Mike.
  7. I can't confirm since I can't use the program, but apparently, the Continental Airline Miles for Merchandise program has 5DII w/ 24-105 f/4 for $2790.65 + 100 miles (S/H $50). If anyone can use the program, this is a fantastic deal since the 5DII body alone costs $2699 now.
  8. Chocolate Egg Cream
  9. The Deadliest Catch
  10. I actually need to get off my lazy butt and finish up the first book - I'm almost done. I need to allot more reading time into my day.
  11. Frick. I forgot this started already. I must go watch the 1st episode now. Don't worry, Al, violence *should* be coming.
  12. A Panasonic ceiling fan for the bathroom.
  13. Been sitting at home while contractors work on my re-doing our only bathroom. It's been a great fun. Also, I most likely sabotaged my own gear sale by honestly stating my opinion to a question.
  14. Happy Birthday, Ethan!
  15. Best wishes for you mom, Al. We drove to Maine to see my folks and now watching Japan TV with them. It was an uneventful drive for the most part, unlike the first time we drove up here with our daughter.
  16. Great news, Shelly!
  17. Convertible car seat for Libby. No more lugging the heavy baby car seat!
  18. Took the day off to stay home with my daughter who has double ear infection (again). At least the antibiotic seems to be working and she appears to be in generally good mood.
  19. My father-in-law made us an outdoor bench that looks almost exactly like the one in the first pic, albeit with wooden legs.
  20. Wow, they look great! Congrats, Al!
  21. Didn't realize you had both of them, Dinny. How are 9L's connected directly to a computer (assuming this is how you use them)?
  22. Here's hoping for speedy recovery for your husband, Shelly.
  23. I'm not sure if it's a good deal or not, but here you go. Audiogon: Quad-9L-Active
  24. I think Dinny's got a pair.
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