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Everything posted by robm321

  1. RIP Ornette.
  2. Serious effort - less effort = Cavs win IMO
  3. So sad. I'm sorry for your loss. [emoji20]
  4. You're in for a treat.
  5. Hate to gain an advantage this way, but it definitely changes things. That's too bad.
  6. robm321

    Oppo PM3

    That's the thing, for $300 something, getting the resolve of an ortho, no glaring flaws, nice looking, easy to drive, neutral, while blocking out external noise (closed) more than meets my expectations for a work headphone. I didn't like the MSR much at all, personally. Now, if I wanted to lug an amp to work and didn't have to block out sound, the HD600 would be my choice as well.
  7. Yep
  8. RIP, Bo Diddley
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Cheers to those who have sacrificed for the rest of us.
  11. ^ this.
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. fixed - thanks - NTTIAWWT
  14. I'd guess B with a sprinkling of C.
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Enjoyed the day even though I worked. The fiancee has something planned for this weekend to celebrate. I hope its fun - na, it should be fun Thanks Case!
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. RIP BB King.
  19. robm321

    Oppo PM3

    No amp needed. A is about where I've been with it, if not +. Oppo could probably have gotten away with charging more for it TBH.
  20. robm321

    Oppo PM3

    I wouldn't argue with that.
  21. robm321

    Oppo PM3

    Not a problem. I'm at work, but I do have my ER4S and JHA Roxanne's. I'm right with Postjack, it does seem slightly attenuated compared to those IEMs, but I wouldn't have noticed without being made aware.
  22. robm321

    Oppo PM3

    Just listenened to it on Youtube on my Note 4. 18 seconds, I hear the brushes come in clear as day. You don't hear them at all?
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. Happy Birthday!
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