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High Rollers
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Everything posted by robm321

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Bjork - Vulnicura
  10. Happy Birthday guys!
  11. painful
  12. I'm guessing most people that have $55K to burn, can afford a room to listen to speakers in, so... just scratching my head a bit about their target market. Or, is this a funded project for the purpose of gaining trickle down knowledge for future affordable offerings with the side benefit of being known as maker of the best headphone?
  13. Well, it finally happened. Its $55K, so I just wanted to watch you 1%ers talk about it while I eat popcorn. http://www.sennheiser-reshapingexcellence.com/en?utm_source=HeadFi&utm_medium=Earned&utm_campaign=Build
  14. ^ So true.
  15. The VPI Classic Direct Drive with a Dynavector DRT XV-1T and its mono companion would be pretty cool. I was just agreeing with the subtle points made earlier that $2.5K gets very close to maximizing digital's potential, and a $2.5K cart/tt vs $30K combo, very noticeable difference IME. Oh, and because vinyl is better
  16. If I was going to spend $30K+ on a front end, it would not be digital. Just sayin'
  17. War Baby - Death Sweats
  18. It's insane. The few early impressions aren't helping justify the price either. I'd like to hear it, but I probably never will. I do look forward to future stat/IEM offering from other companies though.
  19. Can't wait to hear it. Too many $2-3k things I want lately.
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