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Everything posted by robm321

  1. Can't wait to hear it. Too many $2-3k things I want lately.
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. A good strategy might be to wait. There should be another 50 TOTL IEMs released in the next quarter. The price should go down to stay competitive or they can be picked up used from someone chasing the newest, bestest IEM.
  4. There is an analog input if I'm not mistaken. So, you can use another DAC? I'm definitely interested in these. I'm looking for a non biased review also. It better be the best sounding thing out there though. $4K for another flavor isn't interesting to me.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. robm321

    The Walking Dead

    Wow, I'll need to watch the opener. because... My impressions have been the opposite, overall. it started out really good and became very difficult to watch. I found myself drifting last season. I lost all interest and watched in hopes that I'd find something to draw me back in. I don't like any of the characters that are left, the acting is bad, and I'm not sure where the story line is going, assuming they still have one. That said, always the optimist, I hope this year can recapture my interest. I'm interested in other impressions on how they think the show is progressing til now.
  9. Sorry Wayne, RIP Joe.
  10. ^ I owned the RE-400. Kind of sucked TBH. The Ety HF series is a winner though. That's all I know in the price range.
  11. Thinking about it too, because this thread. Fuck!
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Happy Birthday, Wayne!
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. RIP Yogi!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Happy Birthday!
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