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Everything posted by robm321

  1. Good info, Jose, I never understood why, but it is a special song. I'll check out Earl's interpretation when I have time.
  2. Love Peace Piece... and pretty much everything Bill Evans plays for that matter.
  3. RIP Toni Morrison. A well lived life. She'll be missed.
  4. Let me stop you right there - www.headfi.org
  5. I heard that podcast awhile ago. It eliminated my wiggle room on alcohol and drugs and the effect on sleep. I used to think these things were just loose theories. Apparently, I'm an imbecile also thinking melatonin has been helping me get to sleep.
  6. Love the shirt.
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Thanks TMoney! I do like historical fiction. I've been looking for a new book. This seems to fit.
  9. Happy Birthday, Antonio!
  10. I think you nailed it.
  11. RIP Rutger ☹️
  12. We're looking forward to watching when we have some time.
  13. Happy Birthday, Jose!
  14. ^ This. Will have to listen to him this weekend.
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. RIP Lee Iacocca.
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. Happy Birthday!
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