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High Rollers
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Everything posted by robm321

  1. Her Chopin is on point, and I like how she throws in contemporary pieces throughout. I would never think to seek those out. Now...
  2. ^ Same. Looking forward to trying it tomorrow.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. My condolences.
  5. Listened to this last week and agree.
  6. robm321


    Long but if you're an Al fan, a must.
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Congrats. Best feature is that it has a pen. I have a Note 8 and have been eyeballing the S22 Ultra.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Happy Birthday, Steve!
  14. Congrats Kerry! Exciting news. Wishing you guys all the best in your new venture.
  15. 😥 so sorry
  16. ^This.
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. Good shit sample
  19. Love that album. In fact, all early Aerosmith is great.
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