I found the highs rolled on the O2s even with the BH. Did you notice?
Nice impressions. I think stats in general resolve detail better than most dynamics aside from maybe the Qualias (haven't heard HD800). I just couldn't get into the O2s when I was dead set on getting them a couple of years back. I love hearing the technical stuff they offer. I am a fan but just not enough to add to the fold. I guess it's a preference thing. Even with speakers, stats just don't give me the long term pleasure, but technically, they are incredible for sure . K-1000s just have that magic that works for me. That emotional connection with minimal coloration aaawwww.
We did a shoot out at Neil's house HE-90, K-1000, O2 and the K-1000, O2 were on the same level and depended on preference, but we all agreed the HE-90 was on a level all it's own when dialed in. That being said, the HE-90s had the same long term affect and are not my favorite phones. But technically they are the best phones I've heard.
Glad you had fun, and yes, sitting back with speakers is takes things into a whole new stratosphere.