I get the feeling that that the issue may be as you mentioned in the rotating housing mechanism,is there a link that would show me how to safely and properly disasemble mine so that I may check on these issues myself?I would hate to risk any harm to this little treasure:)
I feel very apologetic but I have already made birthday plans for this,but I promise to keep my radar open for you deepak and keep you posted.
I loaded up my O2,717 and my $50 sony CE595 and head on over to a local audio store that happens to have a SCD-1 for sale to see if it was worth it to get an expensive SACD player,and the answer is yes:rolleyes:
So when I got back home and did some searching I found that some people have compared the SCD-1 to the new XA-5400ES and found that the 5400 betters the SCD-1,has anyone here had any experience with either of these players as sources for your stax and what would you recomend?There are both about the same price for me and I would be just interested in what would mate best with the O2/717.
I pulled the trigger on 3 new living stereo recordings btw,(Bolero,La valse,Rapsodie espagnole),Anna Moffo Arias,(Also sprach Zarathustra,Ein Heldenleben)