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About yoginasser

  • Birthday 06/17/1974

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  1. Thriller baby!
  2. So I finally pulled off the O2 pads to see what was causing the sliding/squealing noise that would occur when I would tilt my head from side to side with them on (the sound was not audible with the phones off even with my ear right on the outside of the cup).There was a coiled wire that would secure the ear pad to center of the baffle (in addition to the lip of the ear pad that wrapped around the perimeter of the baffle).The wire lines the inside of the pad and then bridges to the center of the baffle before it bends at 90 degrees to anchor into a small grommet.The wire simply needed to be pressed in a bit so that the grommet can hold it properly,I suspect that it was sliding at that point.Getting the pads back on took about 5 mins thanks to the nice technique shared by Deadneddz Now all I hear is sweet O2 goodness^-^ Thanks for all the help guys, Yogi
  3. Bach on the banjo by John Bullard:)
  4. Thanks for the detailed advice on that,it makes alot of sense and I'm feeling much braver now:) I will give it a shot this weekend and report back on my findings.
  5. Thanks for the info Spritzer.
  6. Is it because the pads are difficult to fit back on?
  7. I get the feeling that that the issue may be as you mentioned in the rotating housing mechanism,is there a link that would show me how to safely and properly disasemble mine so that I may check on these issues myself?I would hate to risk any harm to this little treasure:) I feel very apologetic but I have already made birthday plans for this,but I promise to keep my radar open for you deepak and keep you posted. I loaded up my O2,717 and my $50 sony CE595 and head on over to a local audio store that happens to have a SCD-1 for sale to see if it was worth it to get an expensive SACD player,and the answer is yes:rolleyes: So when I got back home and did some searching I found that some people have compared the SCD-1 to the new XA-5400ES and found that the 5400 betters the SCD-1,has anyone here had any experience with either of these players as sources for your stax and what would you recomend?There are both about the same price for me and I would be just interested in what would mate best with the O2/717. I pulled the trigger on 3 new living stereo recordings btw,(Bolero,La valse,Rapsodie espagnole),Anna Moffo Arias,(Also sprach Zarathustra,Ein Heldenleben)
  8. Thanks for those suggestions guys:) It is just amazing to me how much classical music I've heard in my life but in one day I feel that I haven't experienced it yet because what I'm hearing now is so much richer. A little OT but I scored 2 sealed MJ Thriller SACDs yesterday of flebay.uk for about $10 a piece shipped on a buy it now auction:o I was so bummed at how the prices on anything NJ went up like crazy after he passed on that I didn't expect such a score any time soon,things always work out:) I have a quick question about the O2,when I lean my head side to side I can hear something slide inside the cup but there is no compromise to the SQ.Is that normal?
  9. Will do:dan:
  10. This is my only one but I will make a point of seeking out others given how wonderful this sounds,any recommendations?
  11. Hi guys, I just received my O2 headphones from Japan:D My setup is SCD-CE595,SRM-717 (thanks veloaudio!),O2. This is by far the most profound headphone experience that I have had to date.I'm listening to Scheherazad performed by the Chicago symphony and conducted by Reiner on SACD,this is my reference recording and I am hearing such fine detail that I've never heard before and everything sounds perfectly natural,I'm blown away.
  12. Here is some info from "cougHF!" about the Musiland USD 01.
  13. That is a very interesting tip!I typed in a search for Musiland and found this 01 US model that has RCA analog out also so I can go straight to my preamp with it:) Does anyone have any feedback on these? Thanks fordgtlover.
  14. Dying components are not high on my to buy list,thanks for sharing your experience and potentially saving me some grief.
  15. Consider an invitation always open to you good sir:dan: This reminds me of when I was first interested in hearing a hi-rez download,so I downloaded Amadeus soundtrack (at a retarded price if I might say) and when I was listening very carefully I could hear the stylus contact with the vinyl:palm: It sounded great but it made me appreciate what the P2P community are doing and realize that their methods are no so different. I share your opinion on the upsampling BTW.
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