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About parhelictriangle

  • Birthday 07/14/1981


  • Biography
    Pubic Interest Lawyer
  • Location
    Los Angeles, CA
  • Headphones
    HD650, HD595, HF-2, SE-310, PK3, PX100
  • Headphone Amps
    Apogee Duet HP-out; looking.
  • Sources
    MBP/Apogee Duet
  • Other Audio Gear
    Audioengine A5

parhelictriangle's Achievements

Limited Edition Bronze Participant

Limited Edition Bronze Participant (4/6)



  1. Edit: This reminds me to pitch the name "R.I.O. Speedwagon" to my band.
  2. Great pics of one of my favorite places, Asr. This is way off topic (my snapshot below doesn't belong with all of the wonderful photography in this thread), but I got to pilot the fine aquarium tour vessel, the Derek M. Baylis, seen lower-center in your post, for about 45 minutes the last time I was there; I definitely recommend the day sail tour if you go back and you've got time and want to moar awesome bay shots.
  3. Dear Plot, Pacing and Closure, The Committee for people who don't get hardons for convenient mystical god wank in television programs that nonetheless pride themselves on rejecting the convenient sci-fi plot device and wankery of technobabble would like to offer the Court an amicus brief generally in support of your cause. We are prepared to submit a brief of amicus curiae to the Court per FRAP 29, but wished to write this letter to you in order to state, privately, "fucking hell, worst ending ever." Sincerely, [above]
  4. Happiest of B-days, good sir! (and happy b-days backdated for the other b-days I missed these last few weeks).
  5. I am really, really liking the HF2s out of the Apogee Duet. I'm probably in the honeymoon period now, so I don't trust myself with the details, but I think they're definitely keepers and way more balanced than I thought I'd be getting from a John Grado. They haven't spent much time offa my noggin since their arrival. Build quality is nice and solid and not an excess of glue on mine, but the metal housings have a few dings on them, as expected. Headband has one small and shallow scratch on the top, and the silk over the grills is a little frayed at the edges. Still, the overall appearance is solid and from a foot away they are gorgeous. Even my girlfriend thinks they're attractive, and she's usually driven fairly crazy by aesthetic deficiencies. I think I've already crossed the threshold from "jesus, Grados hurt like fuck" to "hey, these are fairly comfortable now."
  6. Liz. Alias Lizzlebiffs; alias Hammy Von Vrocklestein. Currently living with my dad on the other side of the continent. Lizzlebiffs, snuggleattack!
  7. "It's pretty much a bajillion goodness units above any other show evar." -A Scientician
  8. I'm wondering how much of a retcon job The Plan is going to be, at the moment.
  9. You are beating me in The Wire marathons. I salute you for not pausing for three days on that Season 2 episode where Callie Thorne is all nekkid on top of Dominic West. I mean, uh, excellent writing.
  10. Since we're playing the overgeneralize game, the only people I know who actually go out and buy CDs are generation X, while old hypocritical boomers like to point out that they have a scratched up vinyl of Abbey Road but actually buy shit from iTunes. Actually, the only people I know who buy records anymore are Gen X. Ok, but I'm really just being hypocritical too, since I'm totally pissed off that you're lumping people born roughly 30 years ago with the little emo twats that grew up thinking Avril Lavigne was actually punk. Get offa my lawn!
  11. It's like those older Bose Wave radio ads with Wynton Marsalis playing some watered-down MORjazz to show off how great the Wave Radio is through the mono speaker on your 1973 Magnavox.
  12. Ordered the same day, first thing in the morning. Todd said mine were set to go out on what would have been yesterday, so yours should definitely be in the next batch if they didn't ship out yet. Todd did say there was a snag with some of his shipping last week (I didn't press for clarification since he seemed a bit less chipper than normal) so maybe the stuff that was supposed to go out yesterday was pushed to next week. Or maybe I misheard what he was saying; he was a bit frazzled-sounding.
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