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  1. hey happy bday, manaox2! good to meet you at CanJam!
  2. oh snap. Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
  3. I'm almost to the hotel! Is there much going on tonight, or is the action pretty sparse? Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
  4. @mirumu, I'm sure the memory wires could be removed fairly easily with a blade and some care. @HeadphoneAddict, I actually really didn't mind the short memory wire at all vs my longer UE11 one... but now that you mention it, a longer one would have been a tiny notch nicer. I've been enjoying my pair immensely over the past 6 days. I've found I'm preferring my P-51 over my usual SR-71A for the slightly clearer, more balanced presentation. The JH13's really let me hear my equipment better than the UE11. For instance, whereas I was admitting to myself that my impression that the Astrodyne PSU bettered the stock in my Ultra Micro DAC was likely placebo listening through the UE11..... I was convinced I had a more liquid and tonally perfect sound with the upgrade when using the JH13. Sorry about your wallets.
  5. Audio-Technica ATH-L3000
  6. I'm eagerly awaiting my pair, too. And hi, head-case! This is my first post over here.
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