@mirumu, I'm sure the memory wires could be removed fairly easily with a blade and some care.
@HeadphoneAddict, I actually really didn't mind the short memory wire at all vs my longer UE11 one... but now that you mention it, a longer one would have been a tiny notch nicer.
I've been enjoying my pair immensely over the past 6 days. I've found I'm preferring my P-51 over my usual SR-71A for the slightly clearer, more balanced presentation.
The JH13's really let me hear my equipment better than the UE11. For instance, whereas I was admitting to myself that my impression that the Astrodyne PSU bettered the stock in my Ultra Micro DAC was likely placebo listening through the UE11..... I was convinced I had a more liquid and tonally perfect sound with the upgrade when using the JH13.
Sorry about your wallets.