I liked Boy when it came out, and up until about a year ago had thought "A Day Without Me" was about Ian Curtis' death. But it was made known they played it live well before his suicide.
I have actually never seen them live though.....
^^ Used to be for me too, but I bought a small multi-function travel router/range extender on sale, and I use that now with the Pecan Pi or my Ropieee box.....gives better reception too than standard Pi with no dongle.
She's apparently been around for several years.....4 albums since 2015....very NY arty-freaky
Listened to some on youtube; she has an album called IRISIRI, a palindrome (we were trying to remember that word when Dusty introduced us to Tacocat).
Downloaded a new Raspberry Pi (v4 model B only) music OS, VitOS. Looks like it might be a good Pootie Pi option.... Has a tablet/phone device app for control.
Hope to try it this weekend.