Relax and chill.....
It's usually best to browse a forum when you join, to get a good feel for things. We are WAY more than a headphone site, indeed to the point above that we're NOT really a headphone site at this point. This is an eclectic group of great people that have many interests and personalities.
We don't need lessons in forum and hobby lifecycles, coming in here and preaching that will not endear you, especially with the passive-aggressive "You can do whatever you want though" conclusion.
If you truly want to find out about headphones, there are other sites that will fit your needs better. If you want to talk about other things - woodworking, watches, alcohol, bikes, movies/TV shows, DIY, and yes occasionally headphones/amps, etc. etc. - this will be a welcome place, and likely a nice respite from some of the other forums.
But you can do whatever you want though.....