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Everything posted by skullguise

  1. I ordered the Clear Mg, waiting for it from my semi-local dealer.......looking forward to checking it out versus the original (and on the best amp I know for them, the ecp DSHA-3F)
  2. Looks great! But with the change of just one letter (and no pics) it takes on a very different meaning! Only on my mind as up here in Maine Karen and I went out for dinner and I thought I smelled weed going out to our car..... 🙂
  3. Kind of neat alt-country-noir
  4. Happy Birthday!!!
  5. Happy Birthday!!
  6. I had this pair, and it works VERY well.....ultimately, still a bit of artificial edge to the Utopia's for my taste, but they really are something special! I gave up some of that ultimate transparency in getting the Clear, but tonally it matched my taste a bit better. Still an incredible headphone, and the ecp amp is spectacular with it!
  7. Happy Birthday Kerry!
  8. Break an eyeball? In any case, good luck!
  9. Mine has the 3b Pi board, too. Great idea for the Ethernet mounting, many don't need/use the USB ports either. Leo just told me that the latest DAC board has a jumper to disable the volume control, and terminal blocks for the output in addition to the built-in XLR's; so even the DAC can be mounted internally and you can put outputs where desired (though I remember someone in the Orchard Audio group soldered connections direct from the older rev board to external XLR's as well).
  10. I have one of the Pecan Pi Streamers, I actually just got a new case for it where all connectors are on the back and literally this afternoon just re-cased it. I've had it since last July, so it's not the latest rev of the board. Not sure if/how much the new boards improve on sound. I know one new feature is a jumper to override the volume control. But I set eh control at max, and use DSP through Roon to control volume. I'm a pretty big fan of the price/performance on this, it's a great streamer (can take Pi 3/3b or 4 boards, but current case is for 3/3b). The DAC is really quite good as well, and while the unit was bettered by the Lumin T2 I got, that lists for 9x the price of the basic streamer! Going DIY to build saves even more....
  11. Love the woofer! Beautiful coloring!
  12. Playing a few from this one, one of my mother-in-law's favorites. I used The Way You Look Tonight in a photo/video compilation for her 75th, we'll play it at her memorial service/life celebration tomorrow.....
  13. RIP to Tab "Hunter" In a double whammy after losing my mother-in-law Friday night, yesterday we had to put down our kitty. Tab was "my" boy, he loved to be cradled when I picked him up, and he would extend his paws out in a bit of a hug, and kneed my neck. But he loved pets and scratches from Karen as well, who always had better nails for it than me. We're very sad, but he was diagnosed last August with lung cancer, and given as little as 2 weeks back then. 9-10 months later, he was still with us. So we're also very glad to have had that extra time.
  14. RIP to my mother-in-law Roslyn (Roz) Greenfield. The video pretty much shows who she is. A kind woman, well put together even into her 93rd year (she missed her 93rd birthday by 2 days); but also someone who can laugh at herself and life. She would often call one of her 3 daughters Taffy, their dog's name....typical name forgetfulness. RIP Roz Greenfield, you were a beautiful soul. Family History.MOV
  15. Very cool Jeffy! [Not ignored]
  16. RIP Gavin..... To this day, I will sometimes sing to myself Joy Division's Love Will Tear Us Apart. And maybe 20% or so of the time, I will replace the lyrics "Love....love will tear us apart again" with "Love....exciting and new...." 😄
  17. Just added Qobuz trial, will play for the 30 days via Roon and go from there.....
  18. skullguise


    Remember it well, since I ordered one too. I pulled a major Karen when they wanted to charge me return shipping. I got someone pretty high up and vented. To his credit he took it well, apologized again, and offered me some small token discount on my next purchase. I told him no thanks, and that I and some others stopping purchasing won't make a dent in their bottom line; so why do they have any impetus to change. But I also mentioned that token gestures AFTER the fact don't make up for ugly business practices and nasty consumer experiences, and they should really focus on improving that piece of customer sat. I'm sure he had as much as 15-20 seconds of troubling thought that evening....but I haven't shopped there since.
  19. I need to try out Qobuz too.....Tidal hasn't been bad for me, and there's SW that let's you rip for offline use. But the MQA thing does bug me....thankfully most of the music I've been streaming isn't MQA.
  20. Same here.....my son and his kindergarten class even did a small play based on that book..... RIP to one who touched many a heart!
  21. skullguise


    The originals are a steal at their closeout price, and Doug's DSHA-3F does nothing but bring out their best. A local brick and mortar store was closing out their stock of original Clears for $899; they were down to one. I put in an order for the Clear Mg, waiting for that to come in so I can try it.
  22. Liked for the audio system AND the hockey....GO BRUINS!
  23. Happy Birthday Sir Brent of Mensaville!!
  24. Happy Birthday!!!
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