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Everything posted by skullguise

  1. If you go hunting now, you can get fresh meat AND fresh pads!
  2. I was hoping the Habs would take this series. As mentioned in the Bruins suck eggs thread, I've actually kind of enjoyed watching Montreal this year. I would have LOVED to see all the lower seeds upset the higher seeds in the East. Philly did it, looks like the Bruins may; was hoping Ottawa and Montreal could, too. Fingers still crossed, but it's an uphill battle for them both.....
  3. Indeed, I now worship Satan! I'm glad I am able to eat some crow (it tastes just like chicken!). Even though I was disgusted perhaps more than even during the Dave Lewis era when I started this thread, I still watched them. I am so glad I was proven wrong in the end. If they can get by the Sabres, looks like they'll get a chance to play Pitt again...and maybe get better payback against Cooke.....
  4. Imogen Heap Wed, 05/26/10 Boston, MA Orpheum Theatre ^ ^ ^ This from a TicketBastard email..... Will need to see if I can make this. Thanks to this forum, I've found and enjoyed her music
  5. Just to add to Deepak's comment, and clarify my earlier comment: When I said the Lambda Pro seemed more resolving from my SRM-T1W amp, I was comparing it to the 404LE ALSO from my amp. I just think the T1W didn't have enough to make the 404LE shine; something that the BH DID have IMO. I didn't listen enough to be able to compare the 404LE/BH combo to theT1W/Lamda pro combo (differnt sources, too). Not that I love using equipment as tone controls, but the T1W/Lamda Pro's out of the Parasound seems to balance them pretty well. I somewhat agree with the "suckout" phrase, but wouldn't use that strong a term. The highs can be pronounced, and the bass (more midbass IMO) a bit pronounced at times too. That makes it SEEM like the mids are sucked out a bit. But I might classify them as closer to neutral, with EMPHASIS on other frequencies, rather than sucked out. An important difference to me.
  6. re: 404LE resolution = meh Second this. The 404LE sounded just decent on my SRM-T1W at the Boston meet, but better out of the BH. The Lambda Pro's out of my amp seemed more resolving, though, to the point of excess brightness with some music (though oddly, not shrill, so it wasn't sending me running at any time). Paired with my Parasound DAC at home, the combo is pretty sweet. Still looking for an O2 and amp, though; but not TOO hard.....
  7. Kick-Ass Soundtrack Well, at least the Dickies doing the Banana Splits theme.....one of the best covers ever
  8. Yet another vote for the Shure, I bought Vicki's and use them at work. Not super, but fun, very cheap used, and indeed much better than the price indicates. If you can find the CD3K's, though, I say go for that. They sounded REALLY nice out of Colin's Millet that I have. I know you wanted a mint pair, Dinny, but I did sell mine for $375 You could have had great sound on the cheap.....
  9. ^^ Funny that...... Heck of a game last night for the Habs/Caps. Not loving or hating either team, and dang it's been fun to watch. Glad the Bruins came back and won; WTF is up with Michael Ryder scoring again all of a sudden?!
  10. I had given this a lot of thought over the last few months; and while I personally will not likely do biz with AV123 again, I DO think about the other partners and workers in the company. Some are unjustly guilty by association. I would hope that Mark gets everything deserving of him, I decided that I couldn't pass that judgement to the company as a whole. It's a fine line, as indeed any business with them will, at least for now, still partially line the pockets of the man. But at the same token, 1) he should be paying back what he owes, and he can't do that without an income [and I hope that his income is garnished for this sole purpose], and 2) the company has had some decent products. There's a small part of me that is happy to spread this deal, because the speakers are pretty good. And, at the price they are going for (including shipping), the profit can't be much at all. I personally hope long-term that the company does well, but without Mark's involvement and financial interest. His actions have certainly poisoned me, but against HIM more than the company as a whole. In some sense the two are inseperable, but there are others there as well who are not the same person Mark is. My two cents. But I absolutely respect the decisions not to do business, or not to even piss out a fire
  11. Wow, nice play by Montreal tonight! Upsets have indeed been happening..... Bruins and Sabres were close in scoring, and it was pretty much what I expected: Sabres carry the play as a better skilled team, Bruins fight hard with heart for at least some of the game, Rask keeps them in it. Didn't get it this time, but maybe Saturday. But the Habs, dare I say it was almost a pleasure to watch them play! Blasphemy! As a Boston fan, bummed and a bit jealous. As a hockey fan, impressed.....
  12. Understand.....the legal trouble that Mr. Schifter is in is related to fraud, not funding raffles for charities he started. I was a little loathe to post it, but these speakers ARE decent, and better at this price.....
  13. Hey all, AV123.COM is clearing out their "ELT" line of speakers, for some pretty cheap prices with free delivery. This line looks nice, with some nice finishes. I owned the monitors (little softer/warmer sounding), still own the towers (REAL nice deal at this price), and the center channel (have it, but haven't set it up yet; have read it's so-so). But the towers at $249 Cherry/$259 Rosewood (though these may be out of stock now) delivered are a great deal IMO. Only caveat: AV123 was founded by Mark Schifter, and he is currently in legal trouble, and it may affect/reflect on the company. They are still developing and getting new product, but there may be some stability questions. But my towers are well-built, and I have heard no remarks about failures on this line. Here's the email I got: We need to make room for some new products so we are clearing out all remaining inventory on the ELT Speaker Series. Don’t wait… at these prices… they will be gone soon! Cherry Monitors $149/pair free shipping (normally priced at $299) Rosewood Monitors $179/pair free shipping (normally priced at $299) Cherry Center Channel $119/each free shipping (normally priced at $249) Cherry Tower $249.00 /pair free shipping (normally priced at $799) Rosewood Tower $259.00/pair free shipping (normally priced at $799) Click here to order http://www.av123.com//index.php?page=shop.browse&option=com_virtuemart&on_special=1&Itemid=131 PS - I'd also stay clear of the subwoofer (MWF-15). They have had misc. problems with the amps on them; and even though better now, it seems it's not fully resolved across the board.
  14. I used to use the Tannoy's with a Lowther in a bass reflex cabinet. They worked well in that system, though it was still tough to get them integrated well. The Lowther's had a higher efficiency, and I had to play with crossover and physically moving the tweeter back and forth on the top of the speaker to get the best integration. Some music didn't seem to be affected, but other music did not sound natural. But when it snapped together sound-wise, it made some very nice music. It DID seem to grow the sweet spot (which can be nasty for some single-ended drivers, their off-axis response gets ugly at times), and of course added all that good hi-fi stuff: "air," "transparency," "detail," etc. BTW, I crossed mine over closer to 17-18kHz IIRC.....just sounded better to me.
  15. Interesting games in the East to end the regular season. Happy the Bruins got in (and that they didn't get Washington in round 1 - good luck to the Habs, they'll need it. Would love to see an upset). This could be an interesting set of match-ups, with lower seeds giving the higher seeds all they can handle. Also happy that Bruins are guaranteed a top 3 pick at the draft, and have a decent chance to land Taylor Hall. No matter what happens this year (and ANYTHING will be icing on the cake at this point, I'd say), looking forward to next year....
  16. Cocteau Twins - Heaven Or Las Vegas Like the music, but doesn't sound as good as it did at the Boston meet, thru Stretch's Mac/WES/007 combo
  17. Very nice, congrats! Which specific drivers are they? I miss my old DX-4's; in even a simple bass-reflex tower, they had some nice magic with some Wright 2A3 mono's.....
  18. "Dear Mrs. Karen Greenfield Samost, Thank you for purchasing a preview package with Marriott Vacation Club
  19. The Stranglers - UA Singles 1977 - 1982. Three discs of melodic British "Punk".....
  20. I have visions of old SNL episodes...."It's a dessert topping...." "It's a floor polish....." New PS Audio Watchamacallit....smooth AND sweet in one!
  21. ^^^ I thought he was Canada's Jesus Gotta love Grapes! Y'know, what's sadder about this all is that I can't even bring myself to hate the Habs this year.....with the exception of Lapierre and the occasional sleazy cheap moves he does, it's realy not a bad team. There's talk on some Bruins boards about locker room dissention; kind of like what happened in MTL last year. Good on them to clean house a bit (even if it meant getting an overpriced Scott Gomez). Anyway....taking my son and his friend, and meeting one of my friends, for the Rangers game today. It'll be good to see my friend, haven't in a few months. Hopefully the Bruins don't screw up another one, they're 3 points ahead of NYR for 8th seed.
  22. They are completely emasculated at this point, no balls and no heart. They played one of the worst games against a team with a dirtbag who ended the Bruins' best player's season, maybe longer.... They really needed to show unity, toughness, and demand respect from a team that basically walked over them tonight. Turn them over....they are done.... Bummed in MA.
  23. Thank you...be safe, return safe.
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