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Everything posted by skullguise

  1. Major crap going around these days....my son must have had about 20 different people out of his class "team" (in essence, i think 4 classes, or maybe 90-100 people) the last couple weeks..... Feel better, and good luck tomorrow
  2. Very Happy Birthday!!
  3. Yes, the highs stood out in my listen, but I have heard some I've liked better (Maggie true ribbons, Gallo CDT, and Eminent Technology) Hmmm, maybe the quantity of bass was overloading the room (which was smaller, even if treated), so take my thought on slightly flabby bass with a possible grain of salt. Agreed here; there were many things to like, but I ultimately came away thinking more hi-fi.....very good hi-fi.....but it was more about the technical aspects of the sound, not the music.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Hi all, Did some searching, not really finding definitive opinions/answers for good photo printing sites. We got a DVD of pictures (hi-rez JPG) back for our son's Bar-Mitzvah, with the rights to print for our personal use....we wanted to make a nice album. We'll also investigate specialty photography stores locally, but wondered if anyoine can recommend decent online services. We've used Snapfish and Mpix, and have seen other work from Shutterfly. So-so impressed...... Any thoughts or recommendations? Or would a local place really be our best bet? Thanks, Todd.
  6. Another Mass-hole Dealer is up in Derry, NH, Fidelis..... BTW, for what it's worth, I think they were better than what I remember Def Tech sounding like......
  7. Congrats indeed on bike and boat. From limited view, that lake looks kind of nice, too, I think it'll be quite the time spending days on the boat out there! Color me a bit jealous.....
  8. I just briefly heard these a couple weeks ago at a dealer in NH. They are good, perhaps very good considering the sound for the $. But they didn't grab me in a musical sense, more a "hi fi" sense. Good extended top end, pretty deep bass but a bit flabby, nice imaging, etc. But I wasn't getting INTO it as much as I have other systems there. Maybe a slight midrange deficiency compared to other frequencies? Hard to tell; but it's usually voice and things like piano that get me right away. Now, take this in total context of short listen, unfamiliar dealer system, etc etc. He felt the line shows good promise, though, and is looking forward to the new smaller floorstander and I think monitor coming out.
  9. Happy (bit belated) Birthday!
  10. Debbie's shirt FTW, and she's got the fish and chips.....lucky man, Mike!
  11. Man, that does look great! Food and drink and friends, gooooood times.....
  12. Happy Birthday to you!
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. skullguise


    Bought, thanks for the link!
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. It was worth it just to see the term necrobump.....but it was a fun read, too......
  17. EVERYTHING is big in Texas!
  18. Looks awesome, congrats Marc!
  19. This pic has been making the rounds on Facebook
  20. Yep, and a very nice restaurant it is..... It's up a bit north of the Kittery Mall area, on the northbound side. They used to have that store on the southbound side, this is literally less than a 1/4 mile further north. Then they have their factory, with a little storefront there as well; that's across from a car dealer even further up..... Good pizza, sandwiches, and a growing beer selection. The bread store is part of the building, a bit bigger than the smaller one they had. Well worth the visit and a try for lunch, they even do call-ahead/reservations (we did that on the way up). PS - the kids watched Harold and Kumar Xmas, as did Karen and me. Woefully immature, and probbaly just too extreme for 13 year old kids (it IS rated R, but he's been able to handle some others quite well). But we still liked it for the fun stupidity it was.
  21. Took a nice ride up to Southern Maine with wife, son and friend of son; drove up to the York/Ogunquit coast. Nice lunch at "When Pigs Fly" restaurant, watched the ocean a bit in Ogunquit, and had a nice coffee by the water in a small section called Perkins Cove. Tiny bit of shopping on the way home, back now and seeing if my son and friend can watch Harold and Kumar Christmas (if his friend's dad will let him; rated R). My wife is a bit against it, but she let him watch Borat....
  22. Done, several times!
  23. x3. Home to family is good, as is sleeping in your own bed and not a Chicago airline terminal. And looking forward to hearing about the speakers, Marc.
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