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High Rollers
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Everything posted by skullguise

  1. Oh, one more....a counselor at camp in 1978 stole my Kiss Alive tape! STILL working that one out!
  2. One of my favorite memories is when I was on AOL via a 2400 baud modem....met a woman in FL who liked a lot of the same music I did. We ended up sending each other mix tapes, with hers having the obligatory heart over the "i" in mix. The songs were so-so but she was very sweet....and, I may still have that cassette somewhere. But in thinking, it may have been damaged during a basement flood several years back.... But anyway....happy birthday cassette. You were a huge part of my formative music years....
  3. Sympathies for Simon's passing, a nice rescue story.....and I agree, many say "not for a long time" or even "never again" but so many times it would be great for human and cat(s) alike to adopt again soon.
  4. Happy belated!
  5. Wow, sorry to hear that Dan....looks like quite the character....
  6. Wow, I remember reading this around the time of the SCO situation....totally forgot about it afterwards. Too bad, was a great resource back then, I imagine it was great for all the time since.....
  7. Very cool, great view....!
  8. Had some good "in office, not in meetings" time so far this week: Lou Reed - Rock And Roll Animal Jesca Hoop - The House That Jack Built Happy Rhodes - Warpaint and Ecto Enya - The Celts The Fall - The A-Sides Got a lot done to some great music!
  9. Forgot to post yesterday, looks like #6 was 50. Very Happy Birthday, hope it was a great one!
  10. Hope it's a great day, a prelude to some wonderful things coming soon!
  11. Nothing like a nice lap kitty! Glad she will take over is getting used to things.....
  12. skullguise


    "Remembering" Elvis Presley on the anniversary of his death. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x2n9mR3SSs
  13. Good luck Nate, hopefully no further visits will be required after this (last?) one. Regarding naps: many years ago we were implementing a new Finance system in our Japanese subsidiary. The Controller there was a smart and nice gent Yanaga-san. EVERY day of the 2 weeks I was there - and I was told it was basically every day - he would stop work at pretty much precisely noon, eat a brown bag lunch for 5-10 minutes, and then simply fold his arms on the table, rest his head, and nap for the remainder of lunch hour. Always back up by 1:00. I can still picture him to this day.....certainly one of the more relaxed and easygoing people with whom I've worked.
  14. Yes, noisy cats can be fun and not fun. Of our two cats, one is a pretty noisy one; he will come right up to me and meow in my face, and the SECOND I move my hand to pat him will purr like a machine. But it does get annoying when we're trying to go to bed, or early in the morning.
  15. Crap, sorry to hear Nate. Hope the situation resolves soon, and you can sleep peacefully sans racket(s)
  16. Yeesh, bummer to hear, but glad no major incidents so far. Maybe the bat-proofers will do you and neighbor - or perhaps several neighbors? - for a discounted rate....
  17. That cat looks rather regal!
  18. ^^^ Cool. I heard that internally in the pseudo Morgan Freeman voice
  19. skullguise


    Thanks for that Ric. Great read, the book is on my list now too
  20. Happy Birthday Tyll!
  21. Yes, I want to hear your Liverpool accent
  22. And don't forget to let her redecorate..... Seriously, glad things are settling again. When we moved to our house, our cat took to it VERY well, exploring every little inch. And I would definitely have classified her as an anxious cat....who knows.....
  23. Pre-season game and all, but Tim Tebow just QB'd a touchdown drive.....don't know if I should be happy or cry.......
  24. Nice, Carl, congrats!
  25. Shit, just saw the pics now.....again, sorry Mike. Will raise a glass to Denver as well.
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