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Everything posted by skullguise

  1. I was content reading for a while, but the back and forth pundom is indeed intense, and now I'm just asking for detent(e)
  2. skullguise

    Oppo PM3

    I was waffling as well, but am leaning away from these now. Will also need to see what the situation is in the new company vis-a-vis listening abilities. Would love to be able to bring my HD600 in as well. Old space got too noisy for it, so settled with the B&W P5-II. Good, not great.....
  3. Tickety-boo, gov!
  4. Saw this on FB last night.....
  5. We had to re-RIP to Bo after BB King.....for about 1 second I had a really huge breath suck-out, then I remembered that Bo did pass years ago......
  6. And please don't say "Soz"
  7. And the other person has more plankton......
  8. I don't like them either....I seem to recall some critical review of their sound and exorbitant cost some years ago, and Ms. Crock replied nastily and used her Native American heritage as a tool to implicate racism or bias in the review.
  9. Hawks D is just strong and deep......sometimes you have to be a real hockey fan to enjoy a game such as tonight. The average viewer probably hated the low score. But some strong play and tight checking.
  10. Made with/by Kimber ("Sony headphone cables engineered with Kimber Kable®"). And yes....it's ugly......
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Heal well and heal fast, Marc!
  13. I have to admit, I wanted Anaheim in a touch more than Chicago, just to have something slightly newer. But hot dang, Chicago is just so good! I hope the finals turn out to be great. And sorry Bryan et al, nothing against the Hawks but I'm rooting for Tampa Bay.
  14. I used to be like this, especially in High School. But there are times where it still comes out. It just shows how much you/we like music. In high school, I used to actually dream of finding records. I was a big Syd Barret/Pink Floyd fan then, and had a dream once that I was perusing the albums at a local used store, and came across this Syd bootleg. It was a plain white cover with a small black & white photo in the middle, maybe 6" x 6" for the photo. About a week later, my friend Bob and I were there, and I come across a Syd Barrett bootleg with a black and white photo on a plain white cover! Now, the photo was pretty much the whole cover; but I had told Bob about my dream and we were both pretty amazed. I think that happened a couple times, but that was the one I remember the most. I think I had made a fool of myself when i found it, don't even remember what stupid noises I must have made.....
  15. Yes, very sad. No parent should have to bury a child...... Fuck cancer......
  16. Are cats doing your soldering now Justin? Good, and apparently lucky, find!
  17. Lightning always seemed to adjust after a loss....good win, happy for them and my nephew. Stamkos has to be one of the classiest in the league!
  18. Good luck from here too, Marc....break a.....nothing.... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  19. What a playoffs this is turning out to be! Max indeed.....
  20. Great stuff Chris, good luck with the process! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  21. A little "new school" mod rock
  22. Holy Swimming Pool Batman, that's a shitload of rain! Stay dry Shelly, good luck!
  23. Oy.....doesn't seem like anywhere is safe these days! Hope all is OK, Shelly!
  24. Heartfelt thanks and respect to those who have and do serve. My dad included (Korean war, Captain in Air Force), though he never flew in combat; and several uncles and great-uncles.....
  25. Hmmmm, would love to see this.....been meaning to brown up some of my ground Kangaroo for an alterna-chili someday soon.....this sounds like it could give me proper culinary impetus
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