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Everything posted by malmstrom

  1. Dear John, can you describe the sonic differences between these valves, also specifing the models!! It would be of much help! Thanks in advance! Marco
  2. Thanks thanks!!! I also have a pair or rs-1 recabled a puresound! So the suggestion to use siemes is very welcome!!! My melos is modded in an intresting way! The people that make the upgrade said to me that the componets are already very good. The only recabled with pure silver the internal wire and soldering and put very high accurate resistance made in Italy! They said also that changing the trasformer would be a big upgrade but it's really expensive to obtain a custom one of high class!! Thanks for the help!!
  3. Thank dears, so nikongod, which amp best suit a Grado Rs-1 Headphone between the ones you have listened? Thanks, Marco
  4. Hi guys, I possess a wonderfull, like new, melos sha-gold and a pair of vintage grado rs-1!!! I need a pair of very good tube to use but, I've not sufficient money for experimenting different options... So between these tubes, which one is the best for my needing? Mullard E88CC-01 Telefunken E88CC Amperex 7308 Siemens E88CC A0 If you have other options in mind please let me know! Thanks in advance!
  5. Thanks a lot! I will consider this amp for my vintage rs-1!! Marco
  6. Dear, if you have time, can you talk more about the auditor? I?m very intrested!!
  7. Oh.. I decided that I will wait for some months (right now I'm away for my thesis project). In that time I will follow some DNY project I'm intrested in. I will also follow the new Goldpoint amp and SPL Auditor (the last is intresting because of the balanced imput!) Marco
  8. Can you esplain why do you suggest me this amp? It's seems a portable amp, wonderful in look? How does it sounds?
  9. I'm yet confused.... and, about solid state amp, which do you thin suits best for a grado headphone?
  10. Thanks for the suggestions! Abut the SEt, Is the same philosophy of the DNA AMP? It's possibile to fins a SET for my price tag?! And About the wooaudio, the W6SE maxed is, more or less, the same price oo the w4! Between the two, which one would be better?
  11. ... I don't have the amp! Lol!! First of all, hi to all As I reported in the Title, I've already a vintage rs-1 recabled apuresound V3 and a Bluenote Stibber as cd-player. But I don't have the amp, I would like to recive some suggestions. I'm thinking of some valve amp in the price range of 1000euro/1500dollars, no more . I'm thinking also about the earmax SE, what do you think about? I've already possessed a rudistor nx-01 and nx-33ev08! For now thanks a lot! Marco
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