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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Because the "traditional values" many people like to refer to are made up?
  2. Thanks for using an internet dictionary and undermining the American dictionary industry even further!
  3. Badass! Seriously though, good luck with everything. I hope all turns out ok for you.
  4. Drummer for Jimi Hendrix found dead - Yahoo! News The greatest named drummer ever is gone. Pretty underrated imo too.
  5. Grr, I wish they would release a slightly less fancy version on 33 or something. I don't think I could take turning an lp over so frequently, and 45 bucks per album is just too steep for me. Is there any way to tell which ones are RVG's? IME most of them sound somewhere from kind of annoyingly treble boosted to near-unlistenable. I don't normally worry about these things but it's really bad.
  6. Does anybody know about these? I see new LP's of old Blue Note albums at the record store for 10-12 bucks. Some are 180/200 Gram Vinyl, and some come with cds. I'd love to know how these are, and if they use the newer SH/KG masterings, or RVG's, or what.
  7. hungrych


    But he didn't! He didn't even follow all of the 9/11 commission's recommendations. And Katrina showed how completely unable the administration was to handle another disaster on such a scale. Well yeah, but the Democrats aren't the "small government" party and don't spend all day telling you how little they're going to spend.
  8. hungrych


    (sorry for the rambling 3:30 am writing style) I can't really handle reading this whole thread right now (got to page 14), but I would just like to voice my frustration with what I see as the incredibly hypocritical philosophy of the Republican party today. How can they claim to be for "small government" and when, over the last 8 years, we've seen a drastic increase in warrantless spying and a huge attack on our civil liberties, and the constant injection of beliefs (Religious or otherwise) that not everyone shares into the system that governs our lives? How can you claim to leave people to themselves while simultaneously promising to morally police them? "The Party of Values"? What if not everyone shares your values, like fighting against]/i] equality for homosexuals because it "goes against tradition/religion/whateverthefuck"? To put God into the Constitution? (Huckabee!) Do Republicans not see the complete contradiction here? The Democrats certainly have just as many problems, but at least (to me), they seem to be more upfront and less contradictory in their beliefs (please feel free to prove otherwise though). Though Obama is certainly no superhero, he seems to me to genuinely want to help people, and his life has given him quite a bit of perspective on how our system affects everyone. Hopefully he can do it correctly. I feel bad for our nation's political comedy writers though.
  9. hungrych

    The Office Season 5

    I think one of the reasons Michael is so great is that the writers can use him as an outlet for anything they think of that's too stupid to say on tv otherwise.
  10. That looks like the coolest thing in the universe. Good luck!
  11. A much smaller amount of ferrofluid.
  12. Made rhyming ebay listings.
  13. Sure, just pm me an address and I'll send it.
  14. Just tell me when you want it back and I can send it, I'm pretty sure now that I'll buy one when I get the chance.
  15. hungrych

    Wet Shaving

  16. hungrych

    slow forum

    This is the most depressing thing I've ever seen. I'm all for the first amendment but it should be illegal to mess with Calvin & Hobbes in any way. -.-
  17. hungrych

    slow forum

  18. Because it's fucking magic.
  19. So anyone heard the DacMagic?
  20. South Park. Even with all the insane stuff they do, I really do love the "normal" episodes.
  21. Sorry, I just find the idea of there being lots of Rays fans hilarious. (and I'm still bitter at the stupid Phils fans who appear out of nowhere this time of year to talk shit)
  22. Can't you give a Mets fan a break?
  23. I'm just mocking all the bandwagon Red Sox fans who've popped up in the last few years. If the Rays end up winning the WS there's no doubt a mob of Rays "fans" will be unleashed upon the world of baseball who stare confusedly when someone mentions the "Devil Rays?"
  24. Now all those poor long suffering Sox fans who have suffered since October 04 can become long suffering Rays fans I guess.
  25. Wtf is wrong with blinking?
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