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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Ep 4 of Chuck. Trying to take it slowly so I don't run out of episodes.
  2. Jimi Hendrix - Axis Bold As Love
  3. How can one guy play with so much power?
  4. Pharoah Sanders at the Iridium. I thought his sax was going to explode at one point! So intense. He even played Giant Steps, which was really unexpected but pretty cool. When he introduced his band my friend yelled out "he has the voice of god!" which is pretty much true. The best word I could think of to describe anything he does is "godly".
  5. I admit that sometimes, as I watch the unquestionable virtuoso's head glisten as he effortlessly conjures up unfathomable quantities of notes in the space of a few nanoseconds, I hear a voice in the back of my head telling me that "hey, a bridge loan wouldn't be so bad, it would help the companies get back on their feet until they can create a more viable business model..." But then I banish these dark thoughts to some faraway corner of my heart and put on some real music.
  6. Cmon, Joe Satriani is awesome if you don't take his music very seriously. If you're looking for some profound artistic realizations look elsewhere, but if you want to hear a musician having way too much fun... well at least Surfing With The Alien is like that, dunno about anything else. That said, that song is awful.
  7. hungrych

    slow forum

    Pure win.
  8. hungrych

    Perfect pitch

    I've heard that alot of musicians with perfect pitch are actually negatively affected by it when they have to do stuff like recognizing intervals or transposing to different keys for some reason. Dunno how true that is though.
  9. April Music Aura Note. Hopefully the ultimate all-in-one solution for me.
  10. Those are really cool, but holy crap that's alot of money.
  11. First episode of Chuck. Pretty fucking awesome!
  12. Welcome! If you disgrace the name of Calvin & Hobbes in any way I will find you and kill you.
  13. :dance::dance: I will never have money again.
  14. Sounds good, I'm in.
  15. Some of it's on iTunes now iirc.
  16. Is it ever not?
  17. Pete Townshends SG + Sound City/Hiwatt rig from The Isle of Wight 1970 is almost unbeatable for me; I don't think you fit more rock into each chord than with that tone. I also love Michio Kurihara's totally jarring and insane sound in his solo on Boris & Michio Kurihara - Rainbow's title track: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1z0FGxWi7Q]YouTube - Boris with Michio Kurihara - Rainbow[/ame] Jeff Tweedy has kind of a similar effect on "At Least That's What You Said", apparently he was trying to replicate one of his panic attacks on guitar. Lesse... there's anything by Jimi, especially "Who Knows" off Band of Gypsies, also Eddie Hazel from Funkadelic on the entire album Maggot Brain--totally sweet fuzz/wah stuff. And on the subject of P-Funk, how about their bassists? Not just Bootsy's filters and tons of effects either, check out Rodney "Skeet" Curtis on "Who Says A Funk Band Can't Play Rock?" Beautiful Alembic tone. Cecil McBee, who played alot with Pharoah Sanders and a bunch of guys on Strata East has a really earthy, soulful upright sound. Fred Hopkins of Air (the trio w/ Henry Threadgill, not the french dudes) does the opposite but equally well with his totally grinding, vicious plucking. Rodrigo Y Gabriela probably have my favorite acoustic guitar tone, especially Gabriela's strumming/percussion. As for Jack White, he has some cool whammy pedal stuff on "Little Cream Soda" on Icky Thump, but really anything with him usually has some cool axemanship.
  18. Don't they have something more important to write about?
  19. I think it is one of the funniest things in the universe, but it definitely appeals to a certain type of person.
  20. Welcome back dude!
  21. Dead babies much?
  22. Yes. If you pronounced it, the universe would explode.
  23. Well with the 96db Galante Rhapsodies it was quite able to melt my face off with some Sabbath. Just sayin'.
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