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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Yeah but he doesn't have an uber transport... \ Grawk get on it already!
  2. If you do you have to promise to compare it to the USB! Does anybody have any idea whether the usb converts direct to i2s, or goes in and out of spdif first?
  3. Jahn, we all know that even when the ban is gone, the ban stick will be forever beating on our backs. (need evil smileys!)
  4. hungrych

    Holy Poo

    Wow. If I was walking accross the street and this guy zoomed by, I'd be pissed.
  5. I have a couple of vibrapods that I'm using under my amps PSU that Jahn threw in. They're really just there to keep the cord from dragging it off the desk, but doing some quick A/B's there seems to be a slightly more solid sounding bass, and a little noise reduction in the background. Who knows, it could be placebo though, and this isn't the most revealing system ever.
  6. I WIN
  7. It looked like a minidac..
  8. Well by odd I meant uncommon, as there aren't nearly as many people who have them as say an HD650. Part of the reason I was thinking of tubes was that I could tube roll to find the best match for each headphone. I haven't actually heard any of these headphones, so I guess what I need is something that's generally synergistic, but still lets the character of the headphones shine through.
  9. hungrych

    akg 701

    Is that speaking of them balanced out of the SDS-XLR, or just out of any balanced amp? I remember them sounding a bit bloated running them single ended.
  10. Bah, it's easy enough to just replace the recorder witha laptop!
  11. http://tubeamp.bravehost.com/MP-5.htm That thing seems ideal for an office setup of some kind, especially if you have a computer with music on it and don't feel like bringing your ipod. I've never heard it though, so caveat emptor.
  12. Well I have an AT W10LTD, W10VTG (soon), and AKG K280 on the way, and I'm gonna need a more versatile amp to drive them. I was thinking of something like a PPX3, but I'd like to see what all you old AT (and AKG) fans have to say.
  13. Yeah it's nucking futs! I'm so headcase, I need to buy a bigger case to fit my head in!
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