I really just want to hear these, there's been so much frustration for me revolving around them, and I've never even heard them. It seems every time I try to get to a meet where they'll be I manage to be forced to miss out, so if anyone could give me a loan I'd be really greatful. I'll pay shipping etc both ways if necessary.
Why bother, we all know pretzels are the best.
But yeah, headphones, amps, sources, accesories, other (speakers etc) or something along those lines would be good.
So far my impression of the W10LTD is that it sounds great, but a bit thin. I think a tube amp would definitely make it sound alot better and more balanced. Right now I'm leaning towards a PPX3 SLAM, since it would have alot of power, which the old AKG's are reported to need.
I am I pretty dirty monkey, but I'm gonna have to go with Pretzels.
A churro is definitely great to have once in awhile, but not frequently, and nothing beats a soft buttery fresh baked pretzel with cinnammon. The pretzels in Penn Station are actually really good.
Aw Pinkie deleted his account, he said it was too hard to keep up with so many forums (nothing against the people or the forum or anything like that though).
But hi Ed! It sure feels wierd to have more posts than Ed or Jahn on a forum.
Maybe it's a combination of needing burnin, and the lack of the huge ass wood cups, and crazy furutech xlrs (unless you're using that stuff, then it's probably burnin)?
I remember one year on Fox they showed the world Yo-Yo competition in Hawaii. Crazy, crazy stuff. You could seriously fight off a motorcycle gang with those kind of skills and a Yo-Yo or two.