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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Amon Tobin - Permutation
  2. Herbie Hancock - Crossings
  3. As you can imagine, it was totally fucking insane.
  4. Outkast - Aquemini
  5. Devotion: An Extensive, Obsessive Performance Test Of... USB Keys?
  6. Gil Evans - Into The Hot Half of the tunes here are written by none other than Cecil Taylor. Pretty unexpected combination.
  7. John Handy - The 2nd John Handy Album I wouldn't be surprised if the Mahavishnu Orchestra were inspired by some of this...
  8. And you know this how? Do you really know that Joe Satriani does not consider himself an artist? FWIW: Many people would say the same thing about John Coltrane's "sheets of sound" period.
  9. I dunno, it does seem pretty snobbish to decide that a musician somehow has no musical value purely because you don't like his style...
  10. Outkast - Aquemini
  11. John Handy - The 2nd John Handy Album This is some really unique stuff. "Theme X" is excellent.
  12. Charles Mingus - The Black Saint & The Sinner Lady Yeah!
  13. What's it like? I dig the name/cover.
  14. The Band - Music From Big Pink
  15. Lots of Jews of Eastern European descent are lactose intolerant. Anyway, any actual suggestions?
  16. I'm lactose inolerant, asshole.
  17. Well it's too late now. Any suggestions?
  18. What exactly do you mean? It's not usb powered or anything.
  19. It took awhile, but I finally have consolidated all of my equipment into a one box amp/cdp/usb dac/headamp, analog setup, speakers, and one pair of headphones. I might upgrade my headphones this year depending on what I see (maybe some AT woodies if they ever come up when I have money), although in the back of my mind I really want some Mark & Daniel mini's. Unfortunately they're way too expensive for me.
  20. Random - Mega Ran Concept hip-hop album about Megaman, using Megaman samples. Kind of awesome.
  21. So I got my Aura Note USB DAC/CDP/Integrated and it sounds great, but whenever I have it plugged into my computer via usb I get alot of noise. I assume it's related to the computer in some way, as more activity (scrolling, opening programs) directly affects the noise. It doesn't even matter if I'm using the usb input or not, I can be playing a cd and the noise will be there unless I unplug the usb cable. What should I do? Would a usb hub or something help? Or maybe a shielded cable? I'd appreciate any suggestions. Also, I've used a few other usb audio devices and never had this problem.
  22. Paul Mccartney - Mccartney I dunno if it's just because I'm a sucker for albums where one guy plays everything, but I'm loving this.
  23. The Roots - Rising Down
  24. How is it innovative if they're just using the gainclone design?
  25. Lee Morgan - The Sidewinder
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