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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  2. Ridiculous amounts of money to charity > you
  3. LIES
  4. If you look at diyaudio they have a "Vendor's Bazaar", where each manufacturer has their own thread, which seems the best way to go. If the thread gets long and complex enough, they could get seperate threads for each product or something.
  5. Is that the Ru?
  6. Thanks to the magic of archive.org Wow he is a nut...
  7. Ray and Sally sittin' in a tree...
  8. So I guess it's a pretty custom thing, where "truly" prosinked cables will only be "sinked" to that particular components output. What connectors do you recommend?
  9. Wow beeble that amp is ugly. *dies from the ugly*
  10. Crap, I voted Q before I saw pretzels as an option! :'(
  11. I totally agree, I'm just noticing that the general trend (imo) seems to be that the faster they get the worse and less musical it sounds. I also agree that Buckethead, Satch, et al can play faster than they play most of the time but don't, and that's what seperates them from mindless shredders with amazing talent and skill but no musicality.
  12. Beeble chillax.
  13. I have both the Satch and Buckethead albums you mentioned (Buckethead is one of my favorite guitarists), but these guys who are even faster seem to just play Pagini's 5th Caprice with 128th notes, which I find boring, unlike Satch who makes cool spacey songs, and Buckethead who I would hardly even classify as a shredder, even if he can shred.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peQiudKTyiE&search=paul%20gilbert And here's Batio going crazy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EL96KodJg0&search=michael%20batio
  15. I dunno, I think the three guys I mentioned are on a different level really. But the differences is that the guys you mentioned actually sound kind of like music... If you haven't watched the video on youtube of Paul Gilbert and Marty Friedman on this wierd japanese tv show you have to, it's totally hilarious.
  16. So who do you think is the most skilled shredder out there? I'd say it's a toss up between Jason Becker, Michael Angelo Batio, and Ron Thal. On a side note, has anybody noticed that the faster they get the more it sounds like crap?
  17. Has trogdor been invited? I have no idea how to reach him and don't know him very well though.
  18. Buy and sell and use the money for a DV70 dac?
  19. Ok, I think the best idea is to just stay where we are until something actually happens that would force us to move.
  20. God forbid they just improve the forums, I guess it's easier to make threats..
  21. SHIT ABOUT K340'S! Bleh, I dunno about people who get really offended whenever somebody says something about a product they own, like fewtch..
  22. That's not the issue, it's that he's taking away our aops and yelling at us for using any oper powers to kick or ban anybody spamming or trolling.
  23. No offense but I really don't like that guy, if nobody agrees whatever.
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