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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. 10k for that? I dunno...
  2. Dude I know! I'm still so pissed that they traded him, he's far better than Victor Zambrano... I'd much rather see them start Heilman.
  3. hungrych


  4. Well by balanced + tubed, I figured that would kind of kill the portability, which was what I was getting at. If it's still portable that would be awesome to have!
  5. No offense, but isn't this just "turd polishing"? Why not get a real source that would perform better for less?
  6. No. ...give me one.
  7. Slow news day?
  8. I used to collect Gundam models and build them, I tried to get into the whole painting/finishing aspect but I'm horrible at it... Not that expensive though, or at least not compared to audio.
  9. wtf?
  10. You own a hover jeep?
  11. Get a life!
  12. Send... me... l3k...
  13. Happy bday!
  14. Seems to clock in around 2200 for the normal version, I wonder how it'll compare to a balanced sp amp or even a bamaslama.
  15. Certainly looks interesting, especially if the price is right...
  16. How could I miss this Pretzels are the best evar Shut up mjg
  17. To be clear, 6BL7's won't need adapers, correct?
  18. I've heard very polarizing opinions about dynaudio drivers, many people love the merlin speakers which use them, but just as many can't stand them. Maybe I'll hear them myself someday.
  19. Meanwhile the mets just won their 7th straight...
  20. Would this be them?
  21. Well I'm not really building the system for metal, as I don't listen to that much relative to the rest of my stuff, but when I do I want it to sound good; no permanent modifications needed. Thanks Hirsch, I'll look around. Right now I have 3 EH tubes, 2 Sylvania VT-231's, and a Ken-Rad VT-231, but I haven't done much rolling yet. I'm contemplating just buying an SA5000 or some grado though, as that might be the best way to get the speed and impact I'm looking for.
  22. More vague please...
  23. Good to know you can get apl-ish mods from places other than apl, they don't seem very reliable...
  24. Just wondering, what are some good tubes for an MPX3 for metal? It sounds really good and realistic on most things so far, but the liquidic presentation doesn't lend itself to metal so well. Or should I just get a grado? Also, any recommendations for the W10LTD? I know not that many people have heard it, but it's one of the AT's that leans a bit more to the w100/2002 side, but not too much. My sonic preferences would probably be at least a realistic amount of bass, and "searing soaring highs"/
  25. Or "if you're dumb enough to touch this thing you're not coming back"
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