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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. What are those giant looking gain tubes?
  2. MPX3 with 6bx7 tubes -> ATH-W11JPN = ultimate chillaxing rig Listening to some Herbie Hancock right now, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........
  3. hungrych


    Don't worry about that at all. Just look at some of what Tyll has posted.
  4. hungrych


    Oops I meant to say Larocco, not the amp.
  5. hungrych


    Are you Larry of Headcode? Welcome and enjoy!
  6. Ah cool, it looked like some old vintage reciever to me, thus the comment.
  7. http://www.audioasylum.com/scripts/t.pl?f=whine&m=8557 Analogcorner is Michael Fremer, aka the worst reviewer ever. That thread is hilarious!
  8. Now get a real amp!
  9. You know what you have to do right? Build some Ariels, another T-Line design similar to the living voice (from the looks at least).
  10. What did you say? I can't hear you.
  11. Billy accusing people of shilling = hilarious
  12. http://www4.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=176680 Read quick! This all started from another of his idiotic threads asking for "no thread crapping", to which I replied with the "O RLY" owl and was followed through by a bunch of other members with "YA RLY", "NO WAI", etc. But all our posts in that one were deleted.
  13. Btw are they the short or tall bottle ones?
  14. Cool, that sounds about like what I'm looking for; more dynamics, more rockin'. I'll try to get some warmth back by experimenting with gain tubes I guess.
  15. Help me you bastards. I know you can!
  16. I'm about to buy a pair of 6bx7gt's for my old skool toaster MPX3. First of all, will it's psu even be able to handle them? Second, what are some good ones? I'm probably gonna buy them matched from tubeworld.com, if there's a better dealer that takes paypal tell me! Would you recommend the "O" or "D" getter halo tubes? And what brands? They seem to recommend the GE branded amperex and RCA tubes, but then again they're selling them...
  17. Is it really a good idea to keep that thing on the floor along with the transformer?
  18. 833a headphone amp time?
  19. Maybe if you'd leave
  20. Come to IRC, we're slightly less stupid! (really!) laeta.zoite.net, #headphone-hifi
  21. Yeah I went there one day and to my suprise they had a room setup with a huge tv, some ML speakers and Primare electronics. But it wasn't hooked up!
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