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Everything posted by hungrych

  2. No big deal, Qualias suck.
  3. So was the world really black and white back then? Out of curiousity, what speakers are you using now?
  4. Yeah, support my family! (and read my occasional kids cd reviews!) Go tyrion!
  5. So you've always been nuts I take it.
  6. So what kind of solution would you recommend? Giant isolation xformer/torroid?
  7. I'd say it started with the Patriot Act, and went downhill from there..
  8. So KG, what do you think of the Power Plants then? (like I couldn't guess)
  9. The Bush administration has a great strategy. They do absurd things so much that it the people eventually become numb to it.
  10. Join the club.
  11. The simple fact that the NSA can authorize itself to do anything is absurd, and ruins the entire system of checks and balances in the government..
  12. Are those Jason's?
  13. Ask this dude:
  14. Ugh.. Bush needs to realize he isn't the king.
  15. Wow, sounds awesome.
  16. Yeah I'm still trying to get in contact with him, I sent him an email like a month ago... \
  17. Sorry about the size.
  18. I guess the duke doesn't want to post..
  19. Hm I'm actually a pretty good post whore...
  20. http://www.sonicflare.com/archives/bel-canto-and-the-6moons-taste.php That and the comments basically sums up my views on 6moons. I basically view it as more of an audio journal or even a journey than a site that makes concrete blanket recommendations (which is a good thing).
  21. Zambrano's out for the season at least! They have to start Heilman! It was meant to be! I hate seeing him being wasted in the bullpen, especially when Duaner Sanchez is unhittable.
  22. I see everybody's favorite whiner has just joined us, so I invite him as well as the rest of you to park it all here so nobody actually has to read your bitching.
  23. I want a W12, a mix of all the different 11 and 10 can signatures!
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