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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Not for long now that you sadi it..
  2. http://www.eifl.co.jp/index/wiby/wiby_ex.html http://www.diyaudiocraft.com/tda1541a-v2/tda1541a-v2.html (big thread on it: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=934446#post934446) http://www.my3c.net/product/detail.asp?gid=0&ky=dac&pid=1922 http://www.diyzone.net/article.php?sid=713 seems to be being worked on, but I can't read chinese so I reallly have no clue (looks cool though) The D01 and D03 from http://www.storm-audio.com/ which should be out soon http://www.tentlabs.com/Products/DIYDAC/DIYDAC.html http://www.tentlabs.com/ProductEntities/CDplayer/CDplayer.html DDDAC1543 MK2 from dddac.de http://www.hagtech.com/chime.html http://audionotekits.espyderweb.net/dac2_1.html http://www.audiosector.com/ (search for the dac post in the news section) Some guy on AA really loves the mother-of-tone stuff: http://db.audioasylum.com/cgi/m.mpl?forum=digital&n=118164&highlight=mother+of+tone&r=&session= For amps I really can't remember any other than the Iris OTL kit: http://www.headwize.com/ubb/showpage.php?fnum=3&tid=5930&srch= http://www.diyzone.net/article.php?sid=712 http://www.diyzone.net/article.php?sid=638 http://www.diyzone.net.cn/article.php?sid=662&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0 http://www.my3c.net/product/detail.asp?gid=8&ky=&pid=2811 Crazy chinese stuff. http://www.diyzone.net/article.php?sid=715 .
  3. Bah just by a freaking computer and use your own dac for that much... "angling spindle".. what BS. Philodox, I have a pretty large mental list of various crazy amps and sources I've seen from 1-2.5kish, I'll post the ones I can remember tomorrow (about to go to sleep) so I can make the decision that much harder for you.
  4. I was looking at that site awhile go, and uh, DO IT!
  5. Methinks todd needs to just get some octal sockets and adapters so it's not so damn ugly.
  6. So does that mean the Zana is on hold too?
  7. I was looking around and stumbled across this page, and read this: Which lead me here, and I eventually found the datasheet. Any idea about how it would compare to a 5687 etc?
  8. What if I don't have a DVD-A player and resell the discs to your mother?
  9. Am I the only one who laughed his ass off at that?
  10. Translation: I can't actually argue my point because it makes no sense and I'm entirely full of shit, so I'll make up some bs reason to run away and still seem like I'm not a tool. You're a towel!
  11. Yeah I'm too lazy to even change a cd... computer ftw!
  12. Ahhh, I'm still trying to fight the viny bug off..
  13. One question, the transformer on my amp is 95va with 600 volts @ 100ma DC secondaries, but it's still 300 volts right?
  14. Well so far the 6bx7s sound really good, so I'm probably gonna get a real source first before any more tubes.
  15. Or if the Juggernaut fought the Blob, since the Juggernaut's power is to be unstoppable while the Blob is immovable.
  16. One of the reasons people think optical (all optical) is worse is because the signal has to go through the extra conversion to light and back, adding jitter.
  17. They look redder than in other pics. Damn youuuu
  18. ' You know "ch" is quicker to type than "wateveryournameis" right? IIRC it was gonna use 6bl7/6bx7 tubes, but I could just be completely wrong.
  19. http://www4.head-fi.org/forums/showpost.php?p=2115786&postcount=21
  20. I know, I couldn't tell if he was reffering to it being a Single Ended Triode amp like the Noise Duality amp, or just single ended... The comment that he was a "single ended guy" is usually applied to people who make SET amps, not people who don't make balanced amps. Whatever.
  21. Assuming by single ended you mean SET, you can still have a balanced SET amp, just use two and use on channel on each for the + and the other for the -.
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