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Everything posted by hungrych
Well I am at least!
What's wierd is that there's no mention of it on the site, nor anywhere other than that ad.
I put it here so if he ever joins he'll see it.
Such a nice guy to have banned him...
Wow Bhd812 you called someone out using sarcasm on the internet thats so fucking cool man, I so look up to you now. (dipshit )
I'd post the log of what just happened but your heads would probably explode...
*sigh of relief* ... *scream*
Zoite, their round robin doesn't work so just use laeta.zoite.net.
You won't have to worry, I'm sure it'll take like a year to ship.
So we're hanging around, and all of a sudden JAGWIRE joins irc! What to do?! 22:35] * JaGWiRE ([email protected]) has joined #headphone-hifi [22:35] <@tiberian> i have a party to go right now [22:35] <@tiberian> wtf [22:35] <JaGWiRE> heh [22:35] <JaGWiRE> cool [22:35] <JaGWiRE> headphone channel [22:35] <JaGWiRE> [22:35] <@tiberian> i am partying too much [22:35] <JaGWiRE> everyone here on head-fi or? [22:35] <@tiberian> thursday fri sat [22:35] <@hungrych> fuck off [22:35] <JaGWiRE> ..? [22:35] <@hungrych> I mean [22:35] <@hungrych> hi [22:35] <@hungrych> [22:35] <JaGWiRE> lol hi [22:36] <@jjcha-ry> no [22:36] <@hungrych> if you begin another sentence with "heh," or "eh," I will ban you [22:36] <@hungrych> if you type another line [22:36] <@jjcha-ry> how do we set up a real ban [22:36] <@hungrych> I will ban you [22:36] <@hungrych> if you pm me [22:36] <@hungrych> I will ban you [22:36] <@hungrych> if you continue to breathe [22:36] <@jjcha-ry> hang on [22:36] <@hungrych> ...you get it [22:37] * hungrych sets mode: +b *!*dadsa@*.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com [22:37] * JaGWiRE was kicked by hungrych (yeah) Then the pms! JaGWiRE hm? JaGWiRE any reasoning behind a random ban? hungrych yes JaGWiRE eh? JaGWiRE elaborate. hungrych I wanted to do it first JaGWiRE what's second? hungrych everyone else? JaGWiRE heh, are you guys all head-fi or? JaGWiRE i see akwok, he's a head-fier hungrych WE HATE YOU hungrych GET IT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING HEAD JaGWiRE i don't even know who you are? JaGWiRE alias on head-fi? hungrych KTHX hungrych I'm this guy on head-fi: http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?p=2189802#post2189802 hungrych and I hate you hungrych now stop pming me JaGWiRE ah JaGWiRE i see hungrych and go yell into a bag JaGWiRE i have acted appropriately on what you and other people have said hungrych or post ten thousand more useless shitposts on head-fi hungrych well I hope so hungrych JaGWiRE if you plan to hold a grudge on somebody who has fixed a problem they created, then that is rather silly hungrych YOURE RATHER SILLY JaGWiRE hm, trying to think of what to say. hungrych don't bother JaGWiRE why hold a grudge? JaGWiRE i've stopped posting. hungrych lets keep it that way JaGWiRE so what other problem do you have with me? hungrych and not have irc become your new place to spam up with worthless shit hungrych because we aren't pussies like head-fi moderation hungrych and you're just a pretentious dick JaGWiRE what makes you say I'de spam? JaGWiRE your making a simple assumption on previous acts. hungrych I think this has gone far enough JaGWiRE but obviously I have cleaned up those acts. hungrych and now you're going to spam irc instead hungrych well, you were hungrych now stop talking to me please hungrych go outside JaGWiRE hm... interesting thought, but I honestly had no plan to do so, and you don't have any proof of me doing so because it didn't happen yet. hungrych make some friends hungrych your own age JaGWiRE your theory of stopping the problem before it happens makes sense, but in this case it wasn't going to happen. hungrych MY THEORY IS THAT WE DONT LIKE YOU hungrych AND IF MY EVIDENCE IS CORRECT JaGWiRE you've given me about 2 reasons. hungrych WE DONT JaGWiRE either way, I don't know what to think of your statements, but I know that it gives me a new perspective on head-fi members such as yourself hungrych you mean hungrych people who don't like you hungrych which is about everyone JaGWiRE Although I do see some rather funny things. For example, you seem to be typing in short worded lines. You seem to use phrases such as KTHX which many little kiddies on the internet use. You don't seem to use much grammer (i.e. YOURE RATHER SILLY) and you seem to call people who run a community you spend so much time on "pussies" hungrych GO FUCK URSELF KTHX PUSSY JaGWiRE You also seem to curse for uneeded reaosns, and in my opinion it seems as if your frusterated and taking this rather seriously when you didn't even givem e a chance. hungrych FUCK YOU THIS ISNT A FUCKING JOKE JaGWiRE ^--> The above statement of yours is good proof of what I said Then we decided to unban him and GE changed his nick to welly: [22:49] * JaGWiRE ([email protected]) has joined #headphone-hifi [22:49] * Welly is now known as WellyWu [22:49] <@Linas5> =o [22:49] <@hungrych> jagwire I apologize [22:49] <@hungrych> you were right [22:49] <@hungrych> I'm an immature kid [22:49] <JaGWiRE> *gets rebanned* [22:49] <@hungrych> I should stop acting like this [22:49] <@Linas5> JAGWIRE IS ALWAYS RIGHT! [22:49] <@Linas5> =P [22:49] <@hungrych> and learn some grammar [22:50] <@jjcha-ry> wow cool [22:50] <@jjcha-ry> i was thinking damn, i'm surprised he's not saying anything [22:50] <@jjcha-ry> then ir emembered i have him on ignore.. [22:50] <@Linas5> lol [22:50] <@hungrych> jason [22:50] <@Linas5> nice job jjcha [22:50] <@hungrych> why would you ignore jagwire [22:50] <@hungrych> he's alot smarter than me anyway [22:50] <@Linas5> WHY?! [22:50] <@hungrych> and he's like 13 [22:50] <@jjcha-ry> lol [22:50] <JaGWiRE> ah, I was right, he is Jason. He had a very blunt comment about me in some thread, I believe he told me to stop posting. [22:50] <@hungrych> he's the smarterst fucking 8th grader ever [22:51] <@Linas5> EVAR!!!!!!!!! [22:51] <@hungrych> YOU TOLD MY MAN JAGWIRE TO STOP POSTING?! [22:51] <@hungrych> WHAT THE HELL [22:51] <WellyWu> I have some candy for you guys inf you get in my van [22:51] <@hungrych> HE IS A VERITABLE BASTION OF VALUABLE INFORMATION [22:51] <@jjcha-ry> lol [22:51] <@Linas5> OK [22:51] <JaGWiRE> *laughs* [22:51] <@Linas5> THANKS WELLYWU [22:51] <@hungrych> next meet I'm punching you in the face jason [22:51] <@hungrych> how dare you [22:51] <@Linas5> charlie, come out here for the madison meet =P [22:51] <@jjcha-ry> heh [22:52] <JaGWiRE> So hungry, your using an apple irc client? [22:52] <@Linas5> its xchat [22:52] <@Linas5> its not an apple client [22:52] <@hungrych> quiet linas [22:52] <JaGWiRE> ah, that's a universal client, correct? linux, windows, mac, unix, etc? [22:52] <@hungrych> he knows that [22:52] <@Linas5> oh [22:52] <@Linas5> my bad [22:52] <@jjcha-ry> geez next thing we know 909 shows up [22:52] <@hungrych> he's a fucking genious considering he's in 8th grade [22:52] <@hungrych> lol [22:52] <@hungrych> 909 = fucking nuts [22:53] <JaGWiRE> that's the guy who sent jahn the pop cans, yes? (they are good friends?) [22:53] <@hungrych> I think jagwire could kick his ass in a battle of words [22:53] <@jjcha-ry> yeah you cvn say that again [22:53] <@hungrych> no that's 1911 [22:53] <JaGWiRE> ah, my mistake. [22:53] <@hungrych> you haven't been keeping up on your head-fi drama?! [22:53] <@hungrych> OFF TO YOUR ROOM YOUNG MAN [22:53] <@jjcha-ry> is eh still here? [22:53] <@jjcha-ry> lol [22:53] <@hungrych> GO STUDY [22:53] <@jjcha-ry> okie i'm off to get something to drink.. [22:53] <@hungrych> later [22:53] <JaGWiRE> that thread was a while back. it was in reference to jahn's pair of hf-1's with the special wood [22:53] <@Linas5> NO WAY, ARE YOU SERIOUS JAGWIRE?! [22:54] <@hungrych> O RLY [22:54] <JaGWiRE> Linas, what are the origins of your name? (I ask, just because Linus.. Linux.. bleh.) [22:54] <@Linas5> its a lithuanian name [22:54] <@Linas5> PAGAN ORIGIN FTW! [22:54] <@hungrych> Lithuanian [22:54] <@hungrych> CAPITAlIZE LINAS [22:54] <@hungrych> JAGWIRE DOES IT [22:54] <@hungrych> WHY CAN'T YOU BE MORE LIKE HIM [22:54] <JaGWiRE> ah, I see, I am not farmilar with that language. [22:54] * @hungrych beats Linas5 into the ground [22:54] <@Linas5> ahhhh [22:55] * @Linas5 sinks into some mud [22:55] <@hungrych> you don't know lithuanian? [22:55] <JaGWiRE> nah, I'm Canadian. [22:55] <@Linas5> its just spoken by two thirds of the entire world! [22:55] <JaGWiRE> i live rather close to xand1x [22:55] <@hungrych> I guess it's hard to know more then seventeen languages in 8th grade [22:55] <@hungrych> but keep it up [22:56] <@Linas5> so... [22:56] <@hungrych> so how long should we keep this up before banning him again [22:56] <@K2Grey> oh [22:56] <@K2Grey> i alt tabbed for a while [22:56] <@Linas5> who's sending linas money for a new bass... [22:56] <JaGWiRE> yeah hunry, I was asking myself the same thing. [22:56] <@K2Grey> this could be very interesting [22:56] <@hungrych> it's hungrych [22:56] <@hungrych> get it right [22:56] <@Linas5> lol [22:56] <@Linas5> but hunry! [22:56] <JaGWiRE> sorry, my fingers are depressed from so much typing on head-fi. [22:57] <@Linas5> ...wow... [22:57] <@Linas5> EXCERSIZE FTL! [22:57] <@hungrych> and my head is depressed from reading it all [22:57] <JaGWiRE> hungry, I guess it's a chian effect. fingers to head. [22:57] <WellyWu> postal worker [22:57] <@K2Grey> that problem is easily ameliorated, by typing less [22:57] <@hungrych> or lighting your self on fire [22:58] <JaGWiRE> heh, jahn has a new post in his before and after therad [22:58] <@K2Grey> the usefulness of a forum is determined not by the total # of posts but rather the ratio of good posts to uninformative ones [22:58] <WellyWu> like me [22:58] <@K2Grey> the same thing is not necessarily true of an irc channel [22:58] <JaGWiRE> k2grey, I would not argue with you on the first part. [22:59] <@Linas5> wtf [22:59] * hungrych sets mode: +b *!*dadsa@*.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com [22:59] * JaGWiRE was kicked by hungrych ("if you begin another sentence with "heh," or "eh," I will ban you") I knew he would slip. But then more pming! JaGWiRE I'm Canuck, what do you expect? hungrych stop sending me pms hungrych er hungrych stop sending me PMS JaGWiRE the day just changed hungrych and I care even less JaGWiRE I'm not sending you PMS, that's something you get from being a woman. JaGWiRE It's not contagious my friend. hungrych yeah whatever JaGWiRE I don't understand where the attitude of me being so smart and awesome comes from. JaGWiRE But I guess it's just a compliment, so I won't take offense to it . JaGWiRE either way, it seems sa if I winded you guys up JaGWiRE and I did hardly nothing, which is rather efficent. hungrych sort of a hollow victory eh [email protected]) added to ignore list. Whew...
What are the specs (forgot to ask )?
What brand xformer?
I dunno, it doesn't seem revolutionary to me... maybe KG could weight in.
I thought you guys might want to be entertained by my short story I had to write for english class. Jesus Vs Godzilla All that could be heard was the sound of waves sloshing upon the rocky shore. The sun was rising in the Land of The Rising Sun, bringing light to another busy day in Tokyo. But this day was different. The sea floor rumbled ominously, and what looked at first to be a tsunami was actually a natural disaster of far more epic proportions. The scaly green monstrosity arose and began to stomp towards the city, Godzilla was ready to unleash his mighty wrath on the Japanese city yet again. "Gojirraaaa!" shouted the stereotypical, badly dubbed citizens of Tokyo. After the failure of all the nation's defense organizations, Secretary of Defense Dan Ikujakaramuramaraharafara made the call to the most powerful weapon Asia has ever known. "Send in Voltron." Voltron lasted about three minutes, but was messily devoured its large, rubbery foe after a barbecuing in atomic fire breath. What was the world going to do now? Meanwhile, an ultra-secure video conversation between the Japanese Prime MInister and the President of the United States of America was taking place. "You have to help us, or we'll be destroyed!" pleaded the Prime Minsiter. "Why should we? We don't care about anybody else. We're the United States of America! Besides, Godzilla only attacks Tokyo, except in that crappy American movie. "Umm..." he struggled for an idea, and then got it, "it looks like he's on his way to America next! Help, it's the world's only hope!" "Well, alright. We'll send in our best guy. He's the only chance we've got." The President then proceeded to break open sixteen layers of inch-thick glass, and with his non-skewered hand picked up the phone and dialed the secret hotline... In a San Francisco apartment, a phone rang. Rolling out of bed, the apartment's inhabitant picked it up. "We need you, you're the only one who can save the world from Godzilla." "Ugh, where is he..." he groaned. "Attacking Tokyo." "Fine, but you better pay for my damn flight this time." "But your frickin' Jesus! Can't you fly or something?" "Haven't you read the Bible?" Jesus asked, rolling his eyes. "Of course I have! Where did you think I learned to run a country?" "Umm..." Jesus trailed off, realizing how worthless it would be to pursue the argument further. "Just pay for the flight, OK?" He heard the sound of rotor blades whipping through the air like an egg beater through pancake batter on the roof. Hanging up the phone, Jesus grabbed a waffle for the road and got into the helicopter parked on his roof. Three hours later, Jesus jumped out of the choppah and onto the streets of the ravaged city, ready to fight. He ran in front of Godzilla and shouted to get his attention: "I died for your sins, and now you pull this crap? You are so dead!" Little did he expect to hear a thunderingly deep reply explaining that Godzilla was in fact an atheist and couldn't care less about some Jew who got killed by Romans 2000 years ago. Jesus whipped out his twin flamethrowers and ran screaming at the mammoth sized lizard, but it was to no avail, having no visible affect. It did, however, get Godzilla angry. Jesus ran, gasping for breath, trying to escape that which was stomping after him. "What the hell am I gonna do now" he thought to himself. Then he remembered. Jesus fired from a safe distance at Godzilla... with MIND BULLETS! The bullets visibly wounded his adversary, but did not bring him down. Now, with a giant monster running towards him, Jesus made his final move. He whipped out his axe, a '69 Fender Strat, and started to rock Godzilla's mind with an insanely fast, intelligently designed solo he had written beforehand. It looked like Jesus had almost won, when something went wrong. Godzilla broke free, and began to attack again. "What the hell? That was supposed to blow his mind! The power of rock is supposed to triumph over all!" Jesus thought to himself, "OK, that's it, I'm gonna have to summon someone who's mastered the power of rock to fix this mess." Drawing out a pentagram on the ground with his pick, he then invoked a special combination of power cords, the secret riff of the rock gods on his vintage geetar. Suddenly, in a flash of light, the sky parted, and on a pillar of fire an armored figure descended, transported by a giant black marble omnibus driven by dragons. With the opening chords to "Holy Diver" heard in the background, Ronnie James Dio, famed singer of Rainbow, Black Sabbath, and Dio, slayer of dragons wildebeests, and other mythical creations, and rock god landed in the realm of mortals. The few surrounding citizens were in awe, knowing their lives were about to be rocked harder than ever before. Dio began to stand up, and shouted "Jesus, why have you called me here?!" Taken aback, Jesus managed to reply, "Dio! You are not only a slayer of dragons, wildebeests, and other mythical creations, but an immortal god of rock! What must I do to defeat this beast! My flashy technically skilled guitar solo has failed me!" "YOU FOOL!" Dio bellowed, "You know nothing of rock! Didn't your father teach you anything?" "No, he just told me to cut my hair and stop listening to that 'devil music'!" "Bah! The true meaning of rock isn't about technical skill, or compositional prowess, or about fame, or how many groupies you bang backstage," Dio thought for a minute, "err, no, no it's not about any of that!" "Then what?! What is the true meaning of rock Dio?!" At this point Godzilla was even angrier than before and started to charge, making that whacked out Godzilla roar noise that he does. "Hurry!" Jesus implored. "Alright, just solo, and I'll back you up. You will see the true meaning of rock" Dio said, and drew out a long, silver broadsword with a mic at the end. "But... what should I play?" "Don't worry about that! Just improvise! Do a generic minor pentatonic based one for all I care!" "If you say so..." He began to play, gradually speeding up. Dio began to scream into the mic-blade: Woooooahhheeeoooohhhh Rock! It's about how hard... You ROCK! It's all about ROCKIN'! Not about money, 's about rock! Fight the evil beast! Fight the giant mechanical machine! Rock will triumph over all! IT'S ALL ABOUT ROCKIN'! YEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! "I understand now!" Jesus realized. A revelation came. "Rock is about how rocking! Nothing else! Just rockin'! No wonder my intelligently designed solo failed. It had no soul. It didn't rock, it was just a boring display of proficiency. But that doesn't matter, because rock is just about rock! The power of rock is invincible!" "Yes, my disciple, that's it! Now play! Melt his face off!" Jesus then began to rock like he had never rocked before. Using copious amount of wah-wah, distortion, overdrive, fuzz, delay, and many other effects, he had created a veritable hurricane of rock. He then played a face-melting solo of the likes never seen before on this earth, and melted the giant rubbery monster's face off, defeating Godzilla and destroying the chance of a 31st sequel once and for all. "Yes! Well done Jesus! You have discovered the true meaning of rock, and unlocked your potential! You could be the next Jimi! Come Jesus, you still have much to learn, come with me, we shall train around the world." "You mean a world tour?" "Yeah, Jesus and Dio's Rockin' World Tour!" And so, Jesus and Dio embarked on a World Tour, and rocked the world out of it's mind. Fin
Well I was thinking more like having actual pre-outs installed on the back.
Your speakers are amped right, so you could buy a squeezebox and use the digital volume control, or get pre-outs on your amp. There are so many things you could do without having to compromise and use an iPod Hifi.
Why not just get a cheaper and better ipod dock instead of an iPod "hifi"?
Wow I just downloaded a live bootleg of them and I'm amazed. It's piano, bass, and drums, and half the time I can't tell what instruments are playing! It's sort of in the vein of later Miles fusion stuff, but they seem to be inspired by everything (the Beatles cover is crazy). This is the one I dled, give it a shot, it's awesome: http://www.archive.org/details/jfjo2005-08-25flac16