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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Ooooh. Do you think a total noob such as me could rewire it like they said without killing myself?
  2. At least it isn't "Gradizzles".
  3. http://www.redwineaudio.com/USB_Select.html I get the impression that they don't actually mod yours, just sell it new and already modded.
  4. My dog could beat up your dog! Look at that evil glare. See what he did to that wood on the chair?! He's gonna do that to anyone he sees wearing iGrados. Be afraid!
  5. Yeeeeppp. Still ugly.
  6. Well there is a black version that looks like crap too.
  7. No, because they're ugly as fuck and it's all about looks in the "things beginning in a lower case 'i'" market.
  8. http://playlistmag.com/news/2006/07/20/grado/index.php Those fucking suck.
  9. http://www.psaudio.com/products/digital_link_iii_overview.asp Seriously, there's like nothing in there. Seems overpriced..
  10. zomg drama
  11. http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=187663 Seriously, wtf is he talking about? I'm confused...
  12. You're just living in 1978.
  13. Superman! I just saw it and though it was something like 154 minutes I was pleasantly suprised. I thought it was great! Kevin Spacey and Brandon Routh both fit the parts perfectly imo. Did anyone else see it?
  14. See review in sig.
  15. Silver/Gold hybrid wired Hovercraft.
  16. Seriously that's the most low outside curveballs I've ever seen thrown by one guy in a game.
  17. WTF > > > > I'll be glad when interleague play ends..
  18. That's probably from the Cartman Joins NAMBLA episode (haven't seen it though).
  19. I thought it was a cloud...
  20. Profile > Look and Layout Preferences > Change
  21. Way to go judekam.
  22. Could you give us the story of your transport problems? I'd like to know.
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