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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Thanks alot Yikes, that really helps. At least I figured out that you can play 360 games in 720p or 1080i, no idea if it's native or what but it looks great and there's no distortion. It sort of sucks that most of the channels I watch aren't availible in hd (cartoon network, comedy central, food, that's about it ), but at least I can get them with digital cable.
  2. I thought upscaling also stretched it. Oh well... having it stretched by the tv looks ok I guess, but what's so damn bad about bars.
  3. My family finally decided to get a new tv, and we got an awesome looking Sharp Aquos 37 incher. Unfortunately we don't have hd cable or even digital cable yet so everything looks like crap, but watching dvds and playing games via my Xbox 360 at 480p looks really nice. Maybe I should get an outboard upscaler for dvds and channels that aren't availble in HD? I have no problem with the bars on the side, but the rest of my family seems to hate them...
  4. Gainclone or a class d amp of some sort. TNT-Audio did a big comparison of tripath amps awhile ago.
  5. Has anyone here heard a Woo 3 with top of the line super duper exotic tubes? I'm just wondering how it would compare to something like a singlepower. It would be alot more convinient for me because of the size, but I don't want to lose out on SQ. By the same token, how about an Earmax?
  6. I just happened upon this site, their cases are awesome, and they have a cool power distributor case thing too. http://www.hexateq-av.com/products.html
  7. Hobby
  8. If you want gimmicky just get one of these: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BIG-SCHACK-MONSTER-CUSTOM-HEADLESS-FRETLESS-BASS_W0QQitemZ170020276802QQihZ007QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. That's awesome.
  10. I dunno, they seem kind of gimmicky. I mean how many people play only Chapman stick. And only being able to produce notes by tapping would be a bit limiting over just using a guitar or bass. But if you did get one you would certainly be high up on my badas list,
  11. Talkbass is awesome, but it makes me want to spend so much money... Are you actually thinking of buying a chapman stick or do you just want info on it? Those things are badass.
  12. My problem is when stuff like this overshadows more important things, I mean look at the front page of cnn.com, tell me this is worthy of "breaking front page news blablabla" when this is not.
  13. This sums up what I think of media coverage on these cases.
  14. Quadruple bass pedal?
  15. It's still a beta.
  16. They sell a 450 dollar volume knob.
  17. Nice! How do they mushrooms sound?
  18. Now go contribute to society!
  19. Do you have too much time on your hands or something?
  20. It has usb too right?
  21. The Squeezebox is just there as an incentive for people to preorder, after that it'll be a 2k dac with a squeezebox built in.
  22. You guys don't seem to get it... it's a 2kish dac with a squeezebox built in. It's not going for the same group as the squeezebox.
  23. http://www.slimdevices.com/ It's like a squeezebox on steroids! (credit to akwok on irc for finding it)
  24. It's a new dac, there has to be at least one guy with like ten posts posting how it's the best source he's ever heard and he's heard everything.
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