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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Weather Report - Mysterious Traveller American Tango has some of the best synth sounds evar.
  2. Cleaned my room. I now have exactly zero more space than before I started.
  3. Mos Def & The Experiment (Robert Glasper, Casey Benjamin, a bassist I forgot the name of who was subbing, and the fucking amazing drummer Chris Dave) at The Blue Note NYC DAMN! This was one of the best shows I've ever been to. Mos Def's band is flat-out incredible; they're tighter than almost any band I've ever seen and have a great sense of dynamics. There was a Radiohead song (forgot the name), some furious jamming, that poem from the inauguration which was 100 times better coming from Mos Def with music, and an epic version of De La Soul's Stakes Is High. They've completely suceeded in bringing together Jazz and Hip-Hop. If you get a chance to see them, do it. It was even worth standing for 5 hours straight...
  4. Cowboy Bebop CD-Box (Yoko Kanno / Seatbelts) Currently on disc 2 of 4. It's great to finally get the awesome soundtrack to this awesome show.
  5. I'll try out wal-mart and kinkos since they're close to each other, and staples if that doesn't work. Thanks guys!
  6. A bunch of bubble wrap I guess; also some boxes.
  7. Where do you guys get your packing stuff? I don't have any from stuff I've gotten, which is what I normally use, and the post office is way too expensive for the tiny amount of stuff you get.
  8. Borknagar - The Archaic Course I am really enjoying this; I wish it was recorded better...
  9. Borknagar - The Archaic Course It's listed as "progressive viking", so it must be awesome.
  10. RJD2 - Deadringer I think Ghostwriter is one of the best songs ever made.
  11. Lionel Loueke - Virgin Forest
  12. Battles - Mirrored
  13. Have you heard Population Override? It is worlds better than any other Buckethead stuff I've heard, alternatively funkalicious and trippy, and not wanky at all. I wish he made more stuff like it...
  14. Curtis Mayfield - Superfly
  15. 16 bucks a cd is just way too much for most people, especially when most of it isn't going to directly to the artist anyway.
  16. If they want to sell more cds, they shouldn't make them cost so fucking much to buy new.
  17. Depeche Mode - Violator
  18. Fucked Up - The Chemistry Of Common Life
  19. Cornelius - Point
  20. De La Soul - De La Soul is Dead
  21. Amon Tobin - Permutation This is really kickass, really jazzy electronic stuff. The "drumming" is pure win.
  22. Otomo Yoshihide - Dreams
  23. Happy birthday dude!
  24. They were the first band I really loved; the Then box set is great. I probably still have their first album ingrained in my brain somewhere.
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