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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Do people actually believe this ridiculousness? Not only are all Muslims terrorists, but they want the Democrats to win? Why, because the Republicans did such a great job stopping them? GE I really hope you don't actually agree with this nut, pretty much everything in that article is bullshit. Anti-american socialists?
  2. I've also tried to stay out of this but don't try to blame tyrion, it's pretty obvious that the rumor was completely made up. He said it wasn't true so don't get into semantics. It's just how the guy writes...
  3. Bo Diddley! With Alvin Youngboold Hart!
  4. I think it's the look, you seem to have hit gold as far as that sleek japanese style goes.
  5. Dio is one with the pretzels.
  6. I had to write a short story for english this year, but I sort of procrastinated and never did it so I just handed this one in. She'll never know.
  7. Why are some people so obsessed with the word penis?
  8. I got asked the capital of alaska once when I was going to florida.
  9. I don't think so, her site appears to be michalevy.com
  10. Damn you got me -.-
  11. I'm 15, my birthday is in April and I'm a sophomore, so I'm older than jagwire and have no idea about skyline. I'm his hero though.
  12. That's high school thank you very much.
  13. What are you, 6?
  14. You don't take stereophile seriously do you?
  15. You get a cookie.
  16. Yum.
  17. KG = really bored.
  18. OH SHNAP
  19. I wanted to be the first with 6528's.
  20. Yes that's what the 6528s are for, they have a ton of current which is the most important thing for the K1000 rather than wattage. I'll be able to just swap the tubes back to regular tubes for normal headphones too, it just seems more convinient than getting a power amp too.
  21. If it helps, I'm getting an MPX3 SE modded so it can run 6528 tubes with about 5a of current for my K1000, the mods to the psu are about 500. Try asking SP about it if you're curious.
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