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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Grats! Great stuff.
  2. I like the removable cable since I can trip over my cable by accident and not wreck it.
  3. Why?
  5. It seems stupid to me, because it makes it so you can't take the thing anywhere without an amp.
  6. Albino deer?
  7. We can only hope...
  8. Join the club!
  9. My friend has one. From the brief time I spent using it it seems awesome.
  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/24/weekinreview/24hamilton.html?ex=1324616400&en=2f4daade4d5b4d51&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss Guy who hasn't owned a TV in 30 years buys an HDTV and chronicles his journey. Cool stuff.
  11. Probably both.
  12. Why would anyone get a nano and then attach a giant dock and amp to it?
  13. Cool, that's just what I'm gonna need soon! What's the url? EDIT: nvm found it http://www.trendsaudio.com/EN/Index.htm
  14. I like how giving money to head-fi somehow is the same as giving money to charity, because lining the pockets of Jude is the same as helping people in need.
  15. http://www.cornbread.org/FOTRCompare/index.html
  16. I still don't get it... what I mean is does the image take up any more space on the screen? Or is it just more detailed?
  17. I'm thinking of getting one for my HDTV, but I'm confused. What does it actually do when you play a dvd? If the dvd is widescreen will it just resize the actual picture part to fit the screen, keeping the ratio but getting rid of the bars and giving a higher resolution? Or is it someting else?
  18. My MPX3 SE upgraded for 7802's would still be better than the PPX3E right?
  19. No they're different, the dac-62 is more radically modded http://www.pacificvalve.us/LTDAC62.html
  20. hungrych


    Well then they're not perfect are they?
  21. I've always wondered about this, there really aren't any credible reviews anywhere. Way to take one for the team!
  22. Why would you say that? Kevin Carter is a pretty smart and respected guy in the audio world. I think with all the upgrades, the limited availability, PV5 Switcher, and the matched pairs of KR, AVVT, and WE 300B's plus all the other tubes the price is justified. Still way too much for most people though.
  23. http://6moons.com/audioreviews/yamamoto4/ha02.html That looks really nice and their SET seems to be very well liked. Anyone want to take one for the team?
  24. 360; the PS3 is way overpriced and will be really hard to get, and I just can't see why it would appeal more than the xbox unless you want bluray or japanese rpgs.
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