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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Well now there's pretty much no advantage to using it for me, since I get used cds for 2-8 dollars each at the Princeton Record Exchange.
  2. Sonny Rollins at NJPAC. WOW
  3. The more stuff they put in one box the more I think "one concentrated point of failure!"
  4. I'm curious as to how headphones sound with power amps with something like that. Anybody ever tried it?
  5. I payed for upgrades to my amp in mid-december, but I still don't have it. I called last week and supposedly it's done, but I still haven't recieved shipping info as promised. What the hell do I have to do to get my amp?
  6. It's trying to protect your ears!
  7. Jeez that looks nice.
  8. http://youtube.com/watch?v=qQ0CPHplmhY This is the most ridiculous commercial I've ever seen. The image of Peter Gammons in a wig will never leave me.
  9. Nobody else thought that was the perfect Aman counter?
  10. http://www.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?p=2798378 Post 9
  11. I know PFKman23 stores them in his belly.
  12. What idiot would pour beer on someone's head while they're driving at 70mph?
  13. Maybe you just have no soul!
  14. Alan Arkin totally deserved the oscar too. My mom's friend's brother produced it, so she got to go to an early screening. Definitely the best movie of the year.
  15. You just peed your pants.
  16. That is a sexy pen.
  17. Yeah yeah yeah... I'm just not a mac person. My brother has a mac pro (don't ask) and I still prefer using my pc, which has considerably worse specs. The shift thing doesn't work. Nothing pops up, but I can't figure out how to rip it. I'm returning it anyway...
  18. How can I rip it into iTunes without getting the rootkit or the drm files or anything?
  19. The Bad Plus. O.O Dave King is a BEAST.
  20. The butter goes on after the bread is toasted....
  22. More copper?
  23. Is this what you do in your spare time?
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