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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/?fxzdbnduylv That's wma.
  2. What's wrong with pencils?
  3. The cover (sort of):
  4. But why would making a wma into a lossless file add data? Either way, I look forward to the review.
  5. http://www.mediafire.com/?8mm26glnnxa There, it's like 46 mb now. Here are a few songs: http://www.mediafire.com/?dg4ygiyblzg http://www.mediafire.com/?dfymkmbmozy http://www.mediafire.com/?72zrecyzeni
  6. That's really wierd, it was 28mb as a wma (the recorder used wma)and I transcoded it to alac so it would work in itunes. Dunno why it would be ten times the size... I'll work on it.
  7. If you hate yousendit (which you should) here's a download that shouldn't be as annoying to use... http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FRIOY2FI This is amazing stuff!
  8. At 2 am, me on lead vocals, my friend on guitar and backup vocals. http://download.yousendit.com/441B20A4642B386E We were fucking around, and realized at about 4 that we had recorded like 18 songs, then we did 2 more in the morning. All improvised. It's pretty stupid, but it does get better as it goes. The highlights are probably Merlin, Godzilla, For Pluto, Everyone's Sleeping... And You Should Be Too, and Lazy Frog. But really they're all great.
  9. It's hard to describe, but they sound very "fake" to me.
  10. I like to use Metallica - S&M because the system has to keep up with both metal and the symphony in the background. But I haven't really compared gear in awhile. Also, I use alot of somewhat bad sounding stuff, because it's what I actually listen to. Audio is a means to and end, so if the system lowers my enjoyment of any music it's a failure.
  11. So what DAC are you building? Is it also from that site? Looks sweet!
  12. hungrych

    slow forum

    That is one krazy kat.
  13. hungrych


    I'd have Murdock switch the bullets with blanks after disguising himself as a priest, and then take the pills that shut down your body for a day and fake blood packets. Then Hunt Stockwell would get my body from the army and revive me.
  14. I know it's in jest, but I think comparing an overmoderated online forum with a regime that killed tens of millions of innocent people is kind of ridiculous.
  15. I have no idea, but this page has some great cartridge recommendations: http://www.high-endaudio.com/RC-Cartridges.html Maybe you could get a Denon, it seems to be an amazing value: http://www.high-endaudio.com/RC-Denon.html
  16. Just go see Hot Fuzz again or for the first time if you haven't.
  18. Yeah I dunno if I'll actually do that, I'm mostly speculating until I get my sp amp and can actually pay for something...
  19. I doubt they know my age. And on the phone I sound exactly like my dad. You have a good point Aerius.
  20. WTF am I supposed to do, I can't have a half-assembled amp sent to me. And I don't know how far some of your real life customer service experience goes, but bitching angrily is going to make people give you less service.
  21. It's been about 5 months now...
  23. Relax man, it was obviously a joke. This isn't head-fi where you can get away with thinking you're better than everyone else.
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