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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. hungrych

    slow forum

    QWERTY was made to alternate your hands, not slow you down. The slowing down thing is a myth perpetrated by the dvorak people as far as I know.
  2. Touchpads are awful. I have never met a person who didn't hate them. Get a mouse!
  3. Finals start tomorrow and I need something to do after I finish to keep me from going crazy. Where the hell did you guys put my ipod? MJG!!!!
  4. You win..
  5. Recently my isp was bought by comcast and it's got alot less reliable, we're trying to get Fios.
  6. Hopefully this case won't be tried in the media though, as guilty as he may seem it's the jury's and not the media's responsibility to find him guilty or innocent. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=jackson/070611
  7. I literally have based my life on Calvin & Hobbes.
  8. It's probably because people equate low impedance with not needing to be amped.
  9. Take up an instrument. I suggest kazoo.
  10. It looks to me like a Headroom Balanced Desktop would be far and away the best choice.
  11. Those pics are from the recent tour, so they're probably just GS-1ks. http://www.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=241948
  12. You probably should read all the facts about RSA...
  13. hungrych


    I've never heard the ety's, but owned shure e4's awhile back and they compare favorably. I can't be any more detailed than that, because I haven't heard either in awhile...
  14. hungrych


    http://www.v-moda.com/collection/modaphones/vibe.aspx The gunmetal ones look fine.
  15. I can't begin to describe how ridiculous having an isolation booth for headphones would be, but good luck.
  16. hungrych


    I got gunmetal ones (for about 80 bucks on ebay iirc), they were actually perfect for me. They didn't isolate very much so I could hear things around me, and sounded great for the price. But then of course one channel stopped working, and I haven't tried to get them replaced yet...
  17. I feel like I'm being overestimated.
  18. The L3000's are great. Just don't buy an amp from singlepower.
  19. Definitely try out some Grados (RS-1, HP-1/2/3, PS-1) and the Audio-Technica ATH-L3000. Any of those could end up being your dream cans, though so could the HD650. I agree with all the people saying you should get a nice source and amp, and then try out as many top headphones as you can.
  20. Wow, I thought it was a limited edition "gold" one or something that had worn. That's pretty yellowed..
  21. That's actually my other friend playing Zelda. I don't think it's the mic, I actually was congested after having a really bad cold/allergies for a week.
  22. I dunno, Sonic The Hedgehog 3 and Gunstar Heroes are hard to beat.... and don't forget lesser known stuff like Vectorman!
  23. Synthesizers? I'm not selling out just yet... It sounds fine on my L3ks, but it's just a usb key/recorder thing I found lying around at my friends house, so the quality won't be that good. We recorded the last two tracks when we woke up so the amp wouldn't wake everyone up. What should be edited? I like the random talking, it gives insight into the songwriting process since that was literally all the writing we did.
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