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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Happy birthday!
  2. For crying out loud, stop bickering about it if neither of you have heard the amp the other is talking about! It's obvious that you'll have to hear both for yourself if you want to make a decision between SP and EC that you should try them both for yourself. Just don't buy anything directly from SP... unless you want to wait forever...
  3. hungrych


    http://www.gloriousnoise.com/articles/2003/nuge-08-26.php That mp3 is fucking hilarious... he is crazy...
  4. hungrych


    And if you mess up you can erase it. -.-
  5. hungrych


    Again I ask, why would anyone prefer a pen over a pencil?!
  6. Actually, you could probably find the ethernet drivers online and burn it to a cd to use, and the key from the compaq XP cd would probably work.
  7. A preamp does amplify the signal. I'm pretty sure the melos has a tape out, which doesn't do anything to the signal. So use that.
  8. Eat lots of fried chikin!
  9. The leather gives a pleasant thud when flicked, much more refined than the plastic of say, HD650s.
  10. Fried chikin.
  11. Just doesn't sound that great, from what I've read the 5998 is less "tight" sounding that I would want so it doesn't syngergize very well with the L3k, and I can definitely do better in the gain tube department. Any suggestions would also be helpful.
  12. Unfortunately yes...
  13. I can't really say yet, as I definitely don't have the right tube combo yet. It certainly sounds nice, but nothing could really be worth the ridiculous bs I had to go through. Supposedly more tubes are on the way... The L3000 sounds great unamped though. EDIT: I'm running Tungsol 5998's with a Sylvania 6sn7gtb... obviously not the best combo with the L3k.
  14. Great review dude! What exactly does crushing the bowls entail?
  15. Happy birthday!
  16. They are kinda cheap.. but they do sound great for the price.
  17. hungrych

    slow forum

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQRtuxdfQHw]YouTube - 5 Guys in a Limo (better audio)[/ame] Fucking hilarious
  18. Some info on the ELP here http://www.high-endaudio.com/RC-ELP.html Doesn't seem like it would help your problem though...
  19. hungrych

    slow forum

  20. hungrych

    slow forum

    That's slowing down the adjacent letters, not the typing in general, though I guess you could interpret it that way.
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