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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. What amps have you used with the L3000?
  2. That is the sexiest rig ever.
  3. Maybe I was joking, I dunno. I think buying things on head-fi and taking advantage of people's generosity solely to make a profit is kind of lame, but I see no problem with making a profit if you can.
  4. What about the new headamp thing?
  5. I doubt that was me... I'm not a communist!
  6. How is that being a dick?
  7. You need a real amp!
  8. Jeez, you have some huge caps there.
  9. http://tubecad.com/2007/08/blog0117.htm Woo! I wonder how it would do with Grados.
  10. hungrych

    30 Runs!

    It would suck if the rangers lost the next game, canceling out the win.
  11. Lies! Now that Karl Rove has retired I see he has more time to spend spreading vicious rumours about me on the internet. :x
  12. Dude, write a book of postjack-isms, or an english-postjack dictionary.
  13. God gave us pinkies for a reason!
  14. http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/almarro5/318.html It's like that for biasing. I don't see why having elevated tube sockets for the 6C33C's is a problem..
  15. You're just jealous. I'm pretty sure it's like that for biasing purposes. If you look at other pictures it is a seriously well made amp, so it's not like they were just being lazy.
  16. http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?intatube&1192503462
  17. Fried clam strips with fries and onion rings. Gotta love cape cod food!
  18. Well the Xbox 360 has an addon HD-DVD drive which is like 150 iirc. But one thing that you should know is that the 360 is loud as hell...
  19. Has anyone found anything like this for windows? I had to convert everything to aac, put in on my iPod, and then delete all the aac's. Kind of a pain..
  20. My brother has a crumpler bag for his camera stuff and it would probably be perfect for you. Plenty of space, padding, and compartments. Plus it's not flashy or anything. No real man would use a Louis Vuitton bag!
  21. Shouldn't this thread be in the lighting section?
  22. Depends on the musician. With a lot of musicians there's a different approach in the studio because the artist just has more control over everything, whether it be the production, multiple takes, or just working with more musicians. I don't really worry about whether something is live or not when I buy it, I also will just look it up on AMG and read up on the artist's best albums. And I still love all the Miles fusion, especially Jack Johnson.
  23. There's some fusion (Miles, earlier Weather Report, some wierd japanese stuff) that I love, but unfortunately it was kind of a failed experiment... oh well.
  24. This thread is currently being jacked at a rate of once per 2 pages. Woo!
  25. I hope you realize the how many things that encompasses! A good start would be to get all of these. In addition to all those guys Reks recommended, look for anything by Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock, McCoy Tyner, Sonny Rollins, Grant Green, or Rashaan Roland Kirk (who is probably my favorite jazz musician along with Miles). And I think he means the classic quintet, as there is no classic miles quartet that I know of. The second quintet (with shorter, hancock, etc) is also amazing. This is another decent list, though alot of it is fusion.
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