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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Looks cool, I'll try to find it somewhere. I'm really enjoying all the japanese jazz I've found recently, between this, Masabumi Kikuchi, Soil & "PIMP" Sessions, and Sleep Walker. There's an interesting style going on...
  3. That looks way nicer than I would have expected. Enough inputs?
  4. WHY NOT
  5. I actually found the website if you wanted more info http://www.capilanoaudio.com/services.html
  6. Shit guys, I think they've found the super-secret forum where we all decide who we like and don't like and coordinate our internet attacks!
  8. Kenny Werner trio for free at the Princeton Jazzfeast. Usually it's just local people, but somehow that got Kenny Werner! It was great, lots of delicious food and nice weather.
  9. You can't seriously be comparing an online message board to Iraq...
  11. What the fuck is that.
  12. Happy bday! I hope you get lots of iMods!
  13. Where on earth will you find l3000 drivers?
  14. The last one is my old toaster style MPX3. Is it bad, yes, but it worked fine. And you can see how the quality has improved since then. There are plenty of reasons not to buy from SP, but yours are not one of them. I fail to see how having an overbuilt chassis is a bad thing. Your chassis comments also make no sense, Justin can take that long because he is a one man operation and a perfectionist, while Mikhail and Ray cannot? Kevin Gilmore doesn't even make amps, and your constant pitting of SP against EC is getting old. Please stop getting into pissing contests whenever somebody brings up another tube amp manufacturer. To answer the OP's question further, the best way to go with SP is definitely to buy used. Because the product itself is great, but the hassle of getting one new is unbearable. Try to find one that already has all the options you want, and make sure that any upgrades are ones you absolutely want and know will make an improvement, and have been done before to your particular amp. Good luck.
  15. Even if it's not the same kind of thing, you're right about Hand of Doom. Bill Ward is surprisingly funky sometimes. By "phat" I mean funkalicious, groovy, and actually "fat" sounding, if that makes any sense. Just totally in the pocket.
  16. I think this might be the phattest drum beat in history. Blackalicious - First In Flight off Blazing Arrow. If you can get past Gift of Gab's ridiculous mc skills and Gil-Scott Heron's vocals, you'll hear this insanely phat ride cymbal and the beat will take over you. I'm not totally sure who plays it, but I think it is ?uestlove of The Roots as he has a writing credit on it and played on another song on the album. Song here: http://www.mediafire.com/?3xn6zoh0jtm Why not post the phattest drum beat you can find for comparison?
  17. hungrych


    s'aright. Good luck with whatever happened.
  18. Well neither would I, but I had bought it used and had the guy ship it directly to him to speed up the process (or so I thought)...
  19. hungrych


    This thread is just a joke... I'm not actually a spoiled whiny bitch. I know I'm incredibly lucky to be able to pay for all this stuff out of my Bar-Mitzvah which I didn't have to do much for. Didn't mean to offend.
  20. I got my MPX3 upgraded to use the extreme tubes (5998, etc), and it took about 6 months. I'm pretty sure it just sat there until I started calling every day. The box also had about 500 dollars worth of tubes, adapters, and tube dampers in it and I got none of them, in addition to a tube and adaptor I payed for. Supposedly he is sending an assortment of tubes and adapters that is of equal value, but it's been a couple months and I haven't got anything. I'd just send it to the guy I sold my amp to anyway...
  21. hungrych


    Says the guy with like 7 at woodies.
  22. hungrych


    After like a month (stupid ups) I finally get my Almarro and after turning it on one of the 6c33c's arcs... feel sorry for me.
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