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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. This is not very recent, but Top Gear was on BBC America the other day. I haven't really seen much of it, but I absolutely loved it. Are there region 1 dvds of it or do I have to torrent it?
  2. Went to a mets game, almost jumped off the upper deck.
  3. Tickets to the Roots at the Nokia Theater in Times Square next friday! And ER-20s!
  4. Your face is cromulent
  5. As long as you don't vote for Fred Thompson, we all saw how he could barely manage an airport in Die Hard 2, imagine what would happen if he had to run a whole country.
  6. I don't like alot of the new RVG Blue Note remasters, they sound sort of odd to me. I think he's losing hearing in one ear or something. Get Monk's Dream and Thelonious In Action and you'll be set for awhile. I have a hard time liking a new artist if I go and buy more than one album at once though, dunno about you but I would listen to what you have now for a month or so first.
  7. Having seen clips of him in some debates, I can say Mike Gravel is obviously insane. But Mitt Romney is totally not a human. He's like straight out of leave it to beaver or something. It's hilarious.
  8. Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (D) 85.71% match Uhh, well he... uh.. has a hot wife?
  9. hungrych

    Halo 3

    It's awesome. But why the hell can't split screen coop be in full HD?
  10. Yeah I was really skeptical at first, but it was awesome.
  11. Happy bday!
  12. http://tubecad.com/2007/08/blog0117.htm There's going to a be kit specifically for headphones soon, you might want to wait for that.
  13. Then change it please.
  14. hungrych

    Aww yeah

    Indeed. I just don't know how long/short they'll have to be because their placement is nowhere near finalized.
  15. hungrych

    Aww yeah

    Those are all blank...
  16. hungrych

    Aww yeah

    Finally got it to work. Of course I have to pull the amp out when I'm actually listening so the cord reaches the outlet, I'm using an ipod as source, and monster speaker cable, but it sounds amazing. I played the theme from shaft and sitting extreme (EXTREME) nearfield it sounded like I was actually sitting next to the hi-hat. The placement is awful obviously, that little green thing in the corner is my bed, which is touching the other side wall. So there is plenty of room for improvement. Eventually I will make stands or something so they can be placed at my desk, but they are just way too heavy (and so is the amp) to be supported by it.
  17. The new nano looks fricking awesome irl.
  18. wtf is going on here
  19. The Scarlet Letter... Ugh....
  20. Or in Princeton where everyone everywhere already has their own broadband. Of course I can barely get a signal upstairs to my room, so I'm not very worried about people outside...
  21. It's the fucking nationals for crying out loud!
  22. Out of pure curiosity, around how much in parts would that cost?
  23. WTF you jinxed it. Seriously what is going on.
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