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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Rotary Connection - Songs Super awesome psychedelic soul fronted by Minnie Ripperton. Mostly covers, including the craziest version of "Respect" ever.
  2. Heaven and Hell - The Devil You Know
  3. The Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin
  4. I dunno, it's hard to beat the K1000 on weirdness. I remember miserably failing in my attempts to explain them to others.
  5. Woot! Pablo Honey is uh... not as good as later Radiohead...
  6. Thanks guys! As my uncle said, now I can do lots of things, except in the US!
  7. Bjork - Homogenic Bjork is definitely becoming one of my favorite musicians.
  8. Black Sabbath - The Mob Rules Every metal producer should be forced to listen to this, as proof that metal can sound good. There is absolutely no reason for so much of it to sound like shit.
  9. Madvillain - Madvillainy
  10. Bottlepop Presents - Sound Affects Africa Just some random rare Afrobeat stuff, which is awesome. Also there's a disc of remixes that I haven't played yet.
  11. Yoshimi might be my favorite album.
  12. Megadeth - Rust In Peace
  13. But since the system supposedly makes more popular stuff more expensive, it should affect the top 40 the most, and I think people buying top 40 stuff are generally younger and more likely to turn to piracy.
  14. I know, but that only explains why it makes no sense, not why they think it's a good idea.
  15. Nevermind, they're doing the same thing. I don't understand the logic here. "Music sales are going down, so let's make them cost more!"?
  16. This would be a great time to for Amazon to advertise the fact that anything that's 1.29 on iTunes will still be 99 cents on their store.
  17. FTFY Ruins - Tzomborgha The Black Sabbath Medley is freaking hilarious.
  18. Same! I didn't even know about this until just now, but it's exactly what I need. Thanks for alerting me... I think.
  19. Cool, I gotta check that out. I loved Exit. Lee Morgan - The Sidewinder Un...uhh, winding after a day of discovering some really weird music.
  20. Prince - Sign O' The Times
  21. Ruins - Tzomborgha A bassist and a drummer making totally batshit insane sounding music somewhat inspired by Magma.
  22. Dizzy Gillespie - Afro
  23. I read awhile ago that the second was the last, as they used all of their songs up in the first and had a hard time coming up with enough for the second. I hope they've since changed their minds though.
  24. I listened to them both and I don't think they sound particularly similar, and definitely not to the point of plagiarism. I mean, they probably were inspired by the horn part but even that is fairly different in Immigrant Song. The Cardigans - First Band on the Moon I bought this for 2 bucks because I wanted to hear the cover of Iron Man, but I am loving the whole album.
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