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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. Nice work with those last 2.
  2. Dwight was pure win in this episode.
  3. Toby... wtf...
  4. Well the X-ls encores were out of stock and I didn't feel like waiting a month, so I got these instead (just for you jb)
  5. hungrych

    slow forum

    Oh cmon.
  6. Done.
  7. ATTN Salty: Keep your speakers away from this man! There's no telling what horrible things will happen to them in his vicinity.
  8. Sorry, I've been debating it for weeks and I just wanted to get something done... Unfortunately the Encore's are now out of stock (at least in cherry satin), and I don't want to wait til 5/12, so back to the drawing board! I might just buy the b-stock ones they have now though.
  9. I'm looking at the Lite/Monarchy that stuff and the like, but I'm not really sure. Also I'm probably going for one this http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?preaphon&1212367583
  10. http://av123.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=172&category_id=21&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=37 In Cherry Satin (mmmm). http://www.nuforce-icon.com/Product-Icon.htm In red. And a Denon DL103!
  11. I just did it to spite you.
  12. Well too late now, I bought the X-ls Encore and Nuforce Icon. The rest of my money will go to source this time!
  13. My Galantes are sold and I'm going to go for some smaller speakers. Right now I'm between this and Kef iQ3's. The KEF's are a little less with shipping, like $340. Do you guys have any other ideas? I'm trying to stay under $400 for speakers. Amp I'm not so sure, I was thinking of one of the Class D things like Kingrex, Winsome, or Nuforce Icon, or maybe that Glow Audio Amp One that is getting raves.
  14. I have either that samsung or a similar one and it's great, fwiw.
  15. hungrych

    Markl Mods

    That is such a lie.
  16. hungrych

    Markl Mods

  17. I thought they pulled out all the stops on the awkwardness for the dinner party episode to make up for all the time missed, and they certainly succeeded.
  18. Huh, when I saw them they had no arrangements or sheet music or anything, and it did seem mostly improvised. Also they just played one thing with no breaks. I guess they try different stuff at different shows.
  19. They played seperate songs?
  20. hungrych

    flaming lips

    It's there on purpose. The 5.1 versions sound basically the same but are AMAZING to listen to in surround. Yoshimi 5.1 is incredible.
  21. Sugar free energy drink?
  22. The most unwanted one is fucking awesome though, at least so far.
  23. I kept waiting for a funk metal guitar solo from Vernon Reid on the most wanted song....
  24. It really depends on the genre. Although whatever decade is more responsible for that fucking Summer Of '69 song loses by default. ._>
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