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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. I am so sorry, isn't there a surgery for that by now? Anyway the correct answer is The Who.
  2. The Roots, who after so much effort I will still miss tomorrow, just like last time. -.- I guess it's not that bad since it'll be like 95 degrees and I'd probably die. NIN (who I have tickets to for!) Boris NATSUMEN Pharoah Sanders There are more but those are the main ones.
  3. Yeah I gave up on this, I'll try to just go on saturday.
  4. I would love to go to this but I really have no clue how to get there and back to/from NJ without driving (especially so late at night). Anyone have any idea? They don't seem to have a website or anything, it's really aggravating. I figure the train/subway would be my best bet, but I don't really know Philly.
  5. hungrych

    slow forum

    never mind, the link is dead
  6. I'm the only person who thinks those are cool as hell?
  7. All the time at the Princeton Record Exchange. The other day I got Screamadelica, OK Computer, Mingus at Carnegie Hall, and the DANCE remix with Mos Def and Spank Rock for 14 bucks total.
  8. The Flaming Lips last week was up there. 90% of the crowd knew every word to every song. They just created such a great relationship between the artist and audience. [me=hungrych]notices a theme here...[/me]
  9. I am really digging my NuForce Icon. Cost like $200 and even just using the built in USB DAC it sounds pretty great. Worlds better than my T-Amp with an Astron PSU. Way more bass than you'd expect out of my Kef monitors.
  10. 5 bucks!
  11. I dunno if it counts, but anything by the World Saxophone Quartet. Hamiet Bluiett is a monster. He gets pretty ridiculous in that clip.
  12. Awesome dude. I've heard that they're incredibly loud live, literally ear-bleeding levels, so be careful!
  13. Yo mama. Someone had to say it!
  14. The Flaming Lips. Giant confetti blasts, fog cannons, megaphones shooting fire, pink ninjas on the left, iron men on the right, giant santa claus and purple monster thing, gongs, insane video screen, nude chicks on stage during The Song Remains The Same, chanting, 90% of the crowd singing along while knowing every word, the greatest rendition of Taps in history, lights everywhere, space bubble, one lucky kid having hundreds of people singing happy birthday to him, a rousing encore of one of the best songs ever, and a surprisingly good view at Penn's Landing by the river. Yeah, it was pretty good.
  15. 80. I'm glad I don't live in the middle of the woods like most people in Princeton.
  16. hungrych

    slow forum

    The problem is that at this point she would probably have to do something that would disenfranchise voters in order to be nominated, like the superdelegate bs. (although it's probably too late for that too)
  17. Man, and on your birthday too! That sucks.
  18. That's awesome! I should do that for my Denon DP-750 if I ever get it set up, since it has some edge damage too.
  19. Ballad Of a Thin Man on disc 2 is the best thing ever.
  20. hungrych


    This seems incredibly pointless since every other keyboard in the universe will become different from yours, making everything way m ore confusing.
  21. The Japanese Office.
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