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High Rollers
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Everything posted by hungrych

  1. They're pretty great, although I have yet to get the setup totally perfect. Sometimes I do feel like a need a little more low bass, so I may add a sub eventually, but other than that I love em.
  2. Went to Ninja New York. It's a fuckin Ninja Village restaurant.
  3. Yup. It's the regular version. The PS-1 seems to have enough gain, but maybe I'll add an MC transformer one day.
  4. I see them fine, they're photobucket links.
  5. After months of having what seemed like every conceivable roadblock, I officially am rocking vinyl again. Fuck yeah! A Pro-Ject RM-5 with hopelessly cool carbon fiber tonearm, Denon DL-103, and Monolithic PS-1 w/ HC-1 PSU. It's dead sexy, so getting to finally listen to all the records I've bought in the last few months is that much better! Here are some more pics: You can't really see it at all but the anti-skating weight just hangs on a little string, it's really cool. I'll try to get a better pic sometime. Obligatory action shot: Fuck yeah!!! So I'm pretty happy that something I've bought actually works for once! I'm relaxing to a 2 dollar Herbie Mann LP and the clicks and pops just add to the ambiance. I'll clean it better later, right now I'm just happy it plays! All pics taken by my brother, as I suck at photography and he does not.
  6. We all definitely look old enough, this place is just run by tight-asses.
  7. Ah say ah say thas a joke son thas a joke!
  8. Got kicked out of Stepbrothers at the very beginning because only 2 out of 5 of us had ID, even though my friend's dad bought the tickets and we were all old enough to see it. Then they refused to refund us because we didn't have the card that the tickets were purchased with... assholes. ._.
  9. hungrych

    slow forum

  10. hungrych

    slow forum

    The above is pretty much the pinnacle of human achievement.
  11. Pro-Ject RM-5. Woo!
  12. Maybe he listens to a lot of Wu-Tang?
  13. Emo to be made illegal in Russia? | News | NME.COM I know it goes against freedom of speech and all that, but I still can't stop laughing.
  14. He's also capable of not constantly lying about shipping times and stringing customers along, but that isn't what happens. If any of you have ever talked to Mikhail, you'd know he seems like one of the nicest people in the universe and is very hard to criticize directly. This probably has made the problem far worse than it should be because nobody wants to be the one to bring him down.
  15. As someone who waited like 6 months for an upgrade, I have to say that the worst part was that in order to get anything done I had to constantly call and nag about it. The fact that nobody will get what they pay for without putting in way more effort than should be required is just ridiculous. The money should be enough motivation! Unfortunately, this somehow became acceptable, which led to what is going on now. Mikhail is capable of making some good amps, but he simply doesn't unless pushed as much as possible by each individual customer...
  16. hungrych


    What the hell iswrong with the 360 as it is now? Why change a good thing?
  17. Freaks & Geeks, which is pretty good. Some of those characters look way too young to be in high school though, which is weird since it's usually the opposite problem.
  18. Nevermind then.
  19. Well I bought a Monolithic PS-1 and HC-1 off agon, hopefully there's enough gain. Thanks guys.
  20. I have no idea about that disc, but if you want the most out of IASW you might as well just get the complete IASW box set, I borrowed it from the library and it's actually quite awesome, plus it has everything ever recorded relating to the album.
  21. Well that's because you have both sides disapproving of congress, though probably for different reasons.
  22. As pathetic as they are, you'll still have a hard time finding anyone sane who actually thinks the Democratic Congress is worse than Bush...
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