I brought two of my own burned CD's with EAC ripped copies of stuff I'm really familiar with, running a complete gamut from Miles Davis and Mozart, to Slipknot and Crystal Method... I truly like all of what I put on there, which I think helps too.
I refrained from trying headphones until later as well. I used only my 600's for the first couple hours, as I was there primarily to shop amps. I realize that the D/A conversion matters too, but each amp had either a high end player, or DAC supplying it, FWIW.
I tried to listen to each amp for about a half an hour or more. It was noisy in the room, and I'd certainly like to have multiple listens to really make an opinion, but these are off the top of my head what I remember. Of course these are just my silly uneducated, room full of talking people opinions, so take them as that.
I started with the DNA. It was fine. Not amazing, but certainly not bad at all. It sounded like what I imagine when someone says "tubes". It had decent range, and a pretty flat frequency response. Smooth and kinda rich, but I didn't get a real sense of openess and holographic sound stage though. It also had notable warmth and tube sound that I've always heard as distortion. I think some people like tubes for that extra bite or something. I'm not saying that's bad, but I personally don't care for it as an extra to the music. If it's there, it should bring out more of the music without being noticeable. I also messed with the output switch. I definitely preferred the 120 ohm setting over the low Z - but more because I'd swear the low-z sounded to me like it kind of switched the speakers out of phase. (?) The soundstage went out of focus, and the lows and highs shifted into weirdness as well. Subtle, but interesting.
I also tried a DNA with a couple upgrades performed by Reference Audio Mods - chiefly a pricier capacitor. It definitely cleaned up the tube warmth and brought a little more clarity. I don't know what it'd add to the cost, but I'd say it's definitely worth it.
I tried the RSA 'Apache' next. Nice little amp, reference quality, no complaints. I like the seperate power supply and the nifty...HOLY SMOKES! $3 GRAND? Are you kidding me?!? I heard the B-52 at Can Jam and was really impressed, but I thought $5K was an awful lot for it. Especially when I had heard other tube amps there costing less than half which sounded really similar in quality... BUT 3 GRAND for this I heard nothing any better from this than what I got out of the Audio-GD C2C (See Below) costing ONE TENTH as much. This thing is VERY pretty to look at and the build quality is far and away the best of anything else I've seen, but ummm... Wow, I'm missing something.
The Audio-GD C2C. Okay, now we're in familiar territory. The sub $500 audio range, is where I've got loads of experience either listening, or trying to get the most out of. This thing was the big surprise. I can't believe how good it sounds for $300. accurate and flat, punchy, lively, but not brittle or harsh at all. Not a lot going on in layering or holographics, but I loved it for the price. I'll buy one eventually. I went here thinking of Audio-GD as yet another bargain Chinese manufacturer, but I was pleasantly surprised big time.
Then I sat down at the Zana Deaux. Suffice to say I spent much of the rest of my time there perched in front of it. I have no doubt I pissed some others off by hogging! It doesn't sound tubey. It doesn't sound SS, It just... is.
EVERYTHING I had on my very diverse set of CD's sounded just great, - That is, exactly as I'd like. If the recording was weak, the Zana brought it out, but man the strong stuff sounded great! It has no weak spots, it's very consistent. It gets better as the session goes on, and I felt for the first time that I was on an amp that had MASSIVE amounts of reserve power. The biggest thrill was the huge difference in soundstage and imaging over everything else. It just sounds like a bigger amp, I felt like my headphones grew 5 sizes on my head. Then as I kept listening, it kept revealing new things to me. It is now the undisputed champ in oatmeal's headphone audio world. I contacted them about buying one today.
After I'd tried a few others briefly, I tried the 800's on a few rigs. Man are they nice. I'm fine with waiting a year or two to pick them up used though, $1,300 is pretty steep. They are not 3 times better than a $400 set of HD600's or 650's. They are markedly better though. Definitely up there with the really pricey Stax stuff I've heard.
So, after all that, I started shopping for DAC's, and am pretty sold on the PS Audio DL-III, especially with the upgrades! I moved one over to the Zana, after using a couple other DAC's with it, and it was clearly the best I heard, but that is for another thread...