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About 033067

  • Birthday 01/05/1902

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  1. Sorry, I am not a cable believer. I only brought the RCA for shielding and the Enyo as the stock one haven't got L-Plug and rather flimsy.
  2. I guess no one is taking it seriously but I'll post it anyway. Soundstage Certainly one of the strengths of this amp, the stage is very natural and open but not artificially large, positioning is very precise. Detail This amp shows very good detail, but due to the sound of the AD1000PRM which like amplifying the sound of micro details, it can be a bit tiring to listen with tonnes of different sound getting thrown in your face (ears I meant). Highs I would think this is the weak point of the amp. While the treble does extend quite well, the cymbal hits are not as sharp and clearly defined as I would like, certain much room for improvement. Mids Mids are abit smoothed out, which pair AT with forward mids quite well, however some might want to keep the forward mids and should not get this amp. Have said so, the mids are still overall forward, but just not as forward as before so the AT house sound is still here. Bass Bass is not boasted to add much addition warmth to the headphones, but the impact is plentiful, very tight and controlled too. It can go deep too but as the same, the sub-bass/low bass is still not boasted. Speed This amp is fast, and it helps to pair it with fast headphones, it never struggle in complex sections and every tone is clearly played without any blurring at all. Strength Natural and spacious soundstage, very good speed, good bass response, midrange (personal choice), price Weakness Treble can be better, midrange (personal choice) Other flaws The gain is quite high when using with my AD1000PRM, with my source at 100% the amp need to be turned right down. It doesn’t help at all with a sub-par volume pot, it just makes the matter worse as there is signifiecnt channel imbalance until it is over 8 o’clock range. This forces me to turn my source down to 25% to have some better control over the volume. Equipment Used Headphones: Audio Technica ATH-AD1000PRM, Ultimate Ears triple.fi 10 (Null Audio Enyo Silver + Sony Hybrids) Source: Asus Xonar Essence ST (3 X LME49720HA) Interconnect: Chord Company Crimson Plus RCA interconnect
  3. I am not sure what is wrong reviewing an amp I just bought?
  4. Erm? What? I am just commenting on the witty comment, just like other people replying with "Rofl", I don't really see anything wrong myself. If I have broken a forum rule, please point me in the right direction.
  5. I am not sure but the builder said something like try to get to HA5000 as close as possible.
  6. Erm... yes? $250USD shipped. I am not paid or asked to review it... (I wish I am. )
  7. Shame that they don't drive headphones well.
  8. Smeggy, genius...
  9. Specs Pure class-A, with 20W power draw at idle 16-600 Ohms load (optimised for low impedance) 1700mW into 40Ohm load W 184mm,L 300mm,H 56mm 2.2 KG Sorry for blurry pictures, it is taken from my phone. Better internal shot from the builder: (the transformer is shielded in a metal case as seen in my photo) Exterior The amp is cased in a thick chassis and finished with thick brushed silver front panel. The volume control is metal with texture on it to prevent slipping. Rear of the amp have standard IEC power socket and a pair of RCA inputs. The RCA sockets are gold plated and bolted to the chassis, not direct stressing the PCB. The overall finish is very nice and solid, but to point out the
  10. AD1000PRM, Limited love!
  11. To be honest, it sound OK and able to reproduce some sound that my D1001 can't do. For serious listening, I will certainly pick the D1001 but outside I like the way they isolate pretty well and forgiving enough for my iPod.
  12. This time we are looking at some IEM or just entry level Shure. They are designed to work with music players on-the-go with high noise isolation. Bundle Nothing really special here, 4 sets of silicon tips of different sizes, a carrying case, a extender cable (you will need it useless you hang your iPod on your face.) Build Real solid product, looks and feels like it can withstand many years of abuse from me. Cables are tough and a bit on the hard side, the cable leading from the headphone isn't that high quality, its just like standard cable to me, massive room for improvement. Worth noting that the extension cable have build quality leagues above the whole headphone, lots of copper, thick, strong yet very flexible. If you wonder why this is the case, it is because it is the same extension cable used on the high end SE530 too. Initial Impression OHSHI~! ... ... Have I brought a fake? Well to be honest, it sounds TERRIBLE out the box. Worse than all my headphone collection, including iBuds, gaming headset... So I throw them in a drawer and start burning-in with pink noise before returning them. After Burn-in OHSHI~! ... ... Again, I am shocked, but pleasantly surprised that how much it transformed. From a piece of junk, into a pair of wonderful headphones. The mid is slightly recessed, so is the low-end, the headphones are leaning toward to being a bit bright, however I really liked the end result, its pleasant to listen to. It have lots of detail but quite slow(Dunno how being slow and detailed at the same time), can't cope with really complex passage that well. Having said so, it's still a solid product. Isolation The strength of IEM is isolation, these performs really well in this area once you get a good fit. They isolation just enough so that normal noises can't detract you from the music but not enough to disconnect you from the current world. I think this a good as you can hear loud noise like a car's horn or someone shouting loudly for help, still they are not a good product to use on a busy street as you are less alerted. One interesting note, even you are isolated pretty well the IEM, amplify internal noise quite loudly, footsteps will become quite loud and you may even hear you own heartbeat when it is quiet enough. (I certainly do.) Overall They are excellent replacement for your stock headphone bundled with your music player and irreplaceable to a frequent traveller. The isolation certain with reduce more noise than active noise cancelling headphones, but does increase internal noise. The sound is above average, but have room for improvements, built quality is rather good and comes with a 2 years warranty. Not recommended to bassheads due to its light bass, or people who need full attention due to its isolation. I still found them excellent for a small portable setup. RRP:
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